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Whatsapp: If the status is wrong, there are legal consequences

3/22/2022, 2:46:39 PM

Whatsapp: If the status is wrong, there are legal consequences Created: 03/22/2022, 15:41 By: Jessica Young The distribution of certain content on Whatsapp is prohibited in Germany. Germany – Whatsapp is one of the most popular communication services worldwide. In 2017 the app got an upgrade and with it the status function. Consumers can share anything there with their contacts. However, some

Whatsapp: If the status is wrong, there are legal consequences

Created: 03/22/2022, 15:41

By: Jessica Young

The distribution of certain content on Whatsapp is prohibited in Germany.

Germany – Whatsapp is one of the most popular communication services worldwide.

In 2017 the app got an upgrade and with it the status function.

Consumers can share anything there with their contacts.

However, some content should not appear in the status under any circumstances, because the publication makes users liable to prosecution, as RUHR24 * reports.

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Be careful with WhatsApp status: What is the purpose of the upgrade for the users?

Whatsapp was developed for fast communication - and is very successful with it.

According to MessengerPeople

, 58 million Germans use the app 

 every day.

Most people use the communication service to keep relatives and acquaintances up to date. If you want to reach not just one contact, but all of them, you can post something in the so-called status from time to time.

Be careful with Whatsapp status: what content users prefer not to share with friends

Photos or videos with a caption on a wide variety of topics usually end up there.

These are then visible for 24 hours before they are automatically deleted.

However, users should be careful, because posting certain content can result in legal consequences.

The manufacturers have already ensured more security when using the app*.

Content that should not be posted includes both hate speech and obscene material.

Users who share pictures, statements or videos with their contacts in the status should therefore consider carefully whether the content is appropriate or not.

Otherwise, the situation is similar to that of a family man in 2019, who, according to

, had to go to court due to his Whatsapp status.

Be careful with Whatsapp status: posting false content will lead to a court hearing

He posted a video excerpt from the National Socialist era.

According to the information, the excerpt was 80 seconds long and is said to have shown a picture of the fascist tyrant next to the Nazi symbols.

At the same time, a text with the inscription “I fought against Jewish tyranny” is said to have been displayed.

The digital content could be accessed by all contacts for 24 hours.

The man is said to have testified in court that he was not a right-wing extremist and therefore did not identify with the clip.

He is said to have found the video ridiculous and wondered who put so much time and money into the video.

Whatsapp users should think carefully about what they post in their status.

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However, the court is said not to have seen the facts so loosely.

This is of the opinion that the man wanted to cause right-wing agitation with his status.

Therefore there were legal consequences for the status on Whatsapp (more digital news at RUHR24).

Be careful with Whatsapp status: There are legal consequences if the content is incorrect

The accused was fined for incitement to hatred and the use of forbidden symbols.

Since he had admitted his guilt and the act was two years ago, the court is said to have imposed 75 daily rates of 10 euros each.

According to

, however, that was still a mild verdict.

Because theoretically, a prison sentence of up to three years could have been imposed for the offense of incitement to hatred.

That is why the police are said to have warned against distributing prohibited content.

Because these materials are also punishable in chats*.

Obscene pictures and videos showing children are said to be increasingly being shared in Whatsapp groups by young people.

Sharing such content is now said to be punished much more severely than it was a few years ago, because sending such material is now considered a crime.

*RUHR24 is part of the IPPEN.MEDIA editorial network.