The Limited Times

Guillaume Tabard: “Éric Zemmour looking for a rebound”

3/23/2022, 7:45:44 PM

COUNTERPOINT - Today struggling, he chooses to split rather than normalize. The opposite of what Marine Le Pen does.

A shock proposal, the creation of a Ministry of Remigration;

a tobacco during a debate organized by the weekly

Valeurs Actuelles

and the association Les Éveilleurs;

a show of force announced, the meeting at the Trocadéro on Sunday: Éric Zemmour plays his last cards to reverse the course of his campaign.

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The Ministry of Remigration seems inspired by the announcement of a Ministry of Immigration and National Identity by Nicolas Sarkozy, in the home stretch of his 2007 campaign. bring together all the tools necessary for the expulsion of delinquent or illegal aliens.

But on the form, he uses a word that provokes.

Reviving the indignation of his adversaries, he relaunched the mobilization of his supporters.

The controversy has indeed always been one of the fuels of its progress.

Today struggling, he therefore chooses to split rather than normalize.

The opposite of what Marine Le Pen does.

See also

Activists doused in gasoline, beaten or insulted: support for Éric Zemmour targeted in several cities

It is moreover…

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