The Limited Times

Hong Kong has 9 deaths from the new crown per 10,000 population, 3.5 times higher than Japan's, the worst among the Four Asian Tigers

3/23/2022, 11:45:48 PM

As of Tuesday (22nd), 1.076 million people have been diagnosed with the fifth wave of the new coronavirus in Hong Kong, accounting for 14.5% of the population of 7.4 million in Hong Kong; a total of 6,364 patients died during the same period, accounting for 0.6% of the confirmed cases. Hong Kong's death toll as a percentage of population

As of Tuesday (22nd), 1.076 million people have been diagnosed with the fifth wave of the new coronavirus in Hong Kong, accounting for 14.5% of the population of 7.4 million in Hong Kong; a total of 6,364 patients died during the same period, accounting for 0.6% of the confirmed cases.

The death toll in Hong Kong is 0.09% of the population, that is, 9 deaths per 10,000 people. Although it is lower than that of some European and American countries, the ratio is second only to Malaysia in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and the highest in Asia. The four tigers are the worst, 2 and 3.5 times higher than South Korea and Singapore, respectively, and not comparable to Taiwan, where only 853 patients died. The death toll ratio in Hong Kong is also 3.5 times higher than that in Japan.

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970,000 deaths in US

According to the information reported or announced by the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization, the National Health Commission of the Mainland, the Macao Health Bureau, the Disease Control Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan, and overseas health departments, among 222 countries and regions in the world, as of Tuesday (22nd) The United States accounted for the largest number of cumulative deaths, with 970,000 deaths, accounting for 79.57 million patients with a mortality rate of 1.2%; followed by Brazil with 657,000 deaths, accounting for 2.2% of the country’s 29.64 million patients; India 516,000 people died, or 1.2% of the 43 million patients.

As of Tuesday, Hong Kong had 6,364 deaths, or 0.6% of the 1.076 million patients, and ranked 79th in the world in deaths, higher than Australia, with 5,730 deaths, and similar to Libya's 6,374 deaths in North Africa.

The death toll in Hong Kong rose to 6,569 as of Wednesday (23rd).

Hungary has 46 deaths per 10,000 people compared to 24 in the UK

Calculate the mortality rate of the infection based on the population of the above-mentioned regions. In 63 of them, Hungary, a Central European country with a population of 9.77 million, has a total of 1.83 million people, or about 18.7%, of which 2.5%, or 45,095 people, died. The number of deaths accounted for the population ratio 0.46%, or 46 deaths per 10,000 people infected with the new coronavirus.

Neighboring Czech Republic has a similar population, but has twice as many infected people as Hungary to 3.7 million, but only 39,374 people died, or 0.37% of the population.

The number of infections and deaths in Brazil is higher than in Hungary and the Czech Republic, but with a population of 214 million, the death toll ratio is 0.31% of the population, that is, 31 deaths per 10,000 inhabitants are infected with the new crown virus, which is higher in Poland and the United States respectively. 0.01 and 0.02 percentage points.

In the UK, 163,679 patients died, and in a population of 67.08 million, the death-to-population ratio was 0.24%, which was 0.03 percentage points higher than that of France and 0.09 percentage points higher than that of Germany, where the death-to-population ratio was 0.21%. and 0.15%.

The death toll in Hong Kong accounts for 0.09% of the population, which is lower than that of Malaysia in East Asia

In Hong Kong, 6,364 patients have died as of Tuesday, or 0.09% of the population of 7.4 million, or nine out of every 10,000 residents who contract the virus and die.

The death toll is similar to Ireland's 6,664, but Ireland's population is only two-thirds Hong Kong's (4.92 million), so its death-to-population ratio is 0.05 percentage points higher than Hong Kong's.

Among the East and Southeast Asian countries, Malaysia has 34,400 deaths from the epidemic, with a death toll ratio of 0.11%, 0.02 percentage points higher than the second-placed Hong Kong.

In Mongolia, 2,108 people died from the virus, accounting for 0.07% of the country's population of 3.24 million.

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Hong Kong's death toll ratio is 21.5 times higher than Taiwan's

Compared with the other three Asian Tigers, Hong Kong's death toll ratio is still relatively high.

The death toll in South Korea is twice as high as that in Hong Kong to 13,141, but it accounts for only 0.1% of the 993.6 patients in the country, which is one-sixth of that in Hong Kong. Based on the national population of 51.67 million, the ratio of deaths to the population is 0.03%, or 10,000 people. 3 people died from the virus.

In Singapore, more than 1.02 million people have been infected, accounting for 17.9% of the national population. Before the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong, it has been more serious than Hong Kong.

However, the daily death toll in Singapore is only about 10. As of Tuesday, the cumulative number of deaths was 1,208. It was only "abandoned" by Hong Kong at the beginning of this month. The death toll accounted for 0.02% of the population. The number of confirmed cases in Taiwan once exceeded that in Hong Kong, but as of Tuesday Only 22,003 people were infected with the disease, of which 853 died. The death toll in the island was only 0.004% of the population, or only 4 deaths per 100,000 people.

Therefore, among the Asian Tigers, the death toll ratio in Hong Kong is 0.09%, which is 2 times higher than that of South Korea, 3.5 times higher than that of Singapore, and 21.5 times higher than that of Taiwan.

In Japan, 27,119 patients died, and the death toll to population ratio is 0.02% based on the country's 125 million people, so Hong Kong is also 3.5 times higher than Japan's death toll to population ratio.

India and Indonesia, with 516,000 and 153,000 deaths, respectively, still have lower death-to-population ratios than Hong Kong, relative to their large populations.

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