The Limited Times

Luc Ferry: "No, there is no science of beauty!"

3/23/2022, 7:22:20 PM

CHRONICLE - In Les Reasons de l'art, the philosopher and essayist Michel Onfray tackles the fascinating question of the criteria of beauty.

To take a step back from the fury of the world, I offer you a completely peaceful reflection on the book by my comrade Michel Onfray,

Les Reasons de l'art

(at Albin Michel).

Addressing the fascinating question of the criteria of beauty, he declares that "

Kant is wrong to write that beauty is what universally pleases without a concept

", whereas according to him, "

it is very exactly the opposite: beauty is what pleases singularly and with concept


I am nevertheless convinced that Kant's formula is not only brilliant, but that moreover, it should not displease Onfray if he wants to give it its true meaning.

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Lucile Bordes: "Writing is a way to find beauty"

What does it actually mean?

First and foremost that around beauty a “common sense” is created which tends towards the universal and which does so “without concept”, given that the judgment of taste escapes any kind of scientific demonstration.

Example: Bach and Mozart are played under all the skies even though this consensus, this "sensus communis" as said...

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