The Limited Times

Oxana Baulina: Russian journalist dies in rocket attack in Kyiv

3/23/2022, 9:28:09 PM

Oxana Baulina wanted to document the Kremlin's attack on the Ukrainian capital. Then the correspondent for the independent investigative website The Insider herself came under fire – and died.

A Russian journalist, Oxana Baulina, was killed in a Russian rocket attack on a residential area in Kyiv on Wednesday.

She was filming the destruction caused by a previous attack when she was killed by a rocket, according to the independent online medium The Insider, for which Baulina works.

Another civilian died in the attack and two of the journalist's companions were injured.

Before working for The Insider, Baulina had worked in Russia for the anti-corruption foundation of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

When the authorities classified it as a "terrorist organization," the journalist was forced to leave Russia.

She continued to work on corruption for »The Insider« and then went to Ukraine as a correspondent, reporting from Kyiv and Lviv from the start of the war.

Keep reporting on the Ukraine war

"We will continue to report on the war in Ukraine, including Russian war crimes and blind bombing of residential areas, resulting in the deaths of civilians and journalists," The Insider said.

The online medium was founded in 2013 by journalist and activist Roman Dobrochotov.

The company's headquarters are now in the Latvian capital Riga.

The Ukrainian Union of Journalists confirmed Baulina's death.

She had previously announced that a cameraman from a local TV station had died in the besieged port city of Mariupol.


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