The Limited Times

Presidential: Gérald Darmanin's anti-Le Pen tour

3/23/2022, 7:52:14 PM

The Minister of the Interior will make a series of trips to the electoral lands of the RN to dismantle the arguments of Marine Le

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This is called marking the opponent in the pants.

While all members of the government are deploying to the four corners of France for Emmanuel Macron's campaign, Gérald Darmanin has chosen his own agenda and his own target: Marine Le Pen.

By the first round, the Minister of the Interior has concocted a specific program on the electoral lands of the 2017 presidential finalist.

A dozen dates which, according to our information, will take him to the North, Pas-de-Calais, Oise, Somme, Pyrénées-Orientales.

In particular in Perpignan next Tuesday, a city led by RN Louis Aliot, and where, it is no coincidence either, Marine Le Pen has also planned to make her last trip before April 10.

He should also go to Calais, Hazebrouck, Denain, etc.

Only territories where the Lepenist party has systematically come close to 40%, or even more, during the last elections.

"We must continue to denounce what Marine Le Pen proposes, in particular on the questions of purchasing power where she talks a lot but does not propose anything", confides to our newspaper the minister who is not unaware of the will displayed by the candidate of appeal to popular categories through this theme.

It is at the top of the concerns of the French in this election.

A strategic positioning which seems to bear fruit to read the polls of intention to vote, where it is now credited with 18 to 20% in the first round.

"We must speak to RN voters where they are, go to Le Pen's land and not hide"

“We must be able to speak to everyone and in particular to the working classes”, boasts the one who, elected in Tourcoing (North), thinks he can embody this card in the final stretch of the campaign.

A cruder translation from a member of the campaign staff: "You have to talk to RN voters where they are, go to Le Pen's land and not hide".

Darmanin and Le Pen are old enemies.

The two have known and sniffed each other for a few years.

Sometimes even on TV sets, as in February 2021 when they had clashed in the program "You have the floor" of France 2. The Minister of the Interior smelling, already at the time, the strategy of normalization of the future presidential candidate who had appeared surprisingly peaceful and moderate in front of him.

"I don't find you hard enough", he had observed that evening, before clarifying his point in a formula which had been much commented on: "I find Marine Le Pen a little shaky, a little soft".