The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Marine Le Pen, changes of foot to meet the challenge of credibility

3/23/2022, 10:09:46 PM

ANALYSIS – The National Rally candidate for the presidential election has presented her entire costed program.


The word has been raised to the rank of mantra in Marine Le Pen's entourage over the past five years.

When formalizing her candidacy for the third time in the supreme election, more than two years ago, the MP for Pas-de-Calais launched as if to herself:

"I know that the French don't will place their trust only on the condition of competence.

We have to be up to it.


To discover

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

  • Eric Zemmour, his supporters, his travels... Follow his campaign with the Figaro application

  • Marine Le Pen, her strategy, her proposals... Follow her campaign with the Figaro app

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