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Russian journalist settles accounts with Moscow's state propaganda

3/23/2022, 8:40:09 PM

Russian journalist settles accounts with Moscow's state propaganda Created: 03/23/2022, 21:30 By: Caroline Schäfer Well-known correspondent Zhanna Agalakova left Russian state television after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. She condemns the war. Moscow – The Russian journalist Schanna Agalakowa worked for state television in Russia* for more than 20 years. Her reporting in France made her a rea

Russian journalist settles accounts with Moscow's state propaganda

Created: 03/23/2022, 21:30

By: Caroline Schäfer

Well-known correspondent Zhanna Agalakova left Russian state television after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

She condemns the war.

Moscow – The Russian journalist Schanna Agalakowa worked for state television in Russia* for more than 20 years.

Her reporting in France made her a real celebrity in the Federation.

Most recently, the long-standing France correspondent had left state television because of the Ukraine war *.

Now Agalakowa publicly condemned the Kremlin propaganda as far from life, as the German Press Agency (dpa) reported.

On Russian television, only the story of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin* and people from his environment will be reproduced.

"We only see the power apparatus," said Agalakowa on Tuesday (March 22, 2022) during an appearance in Paris at the organization Reporters Without Borders.

“There is no country in our news, Russia is not in our news.” From the very beginning of the Russian invasion, Russia was accused of showing a severely distorted picture of the Ukraine war on state television, of perpetuating Putin's narrative.

In Ukraine* it was "a completely normal day", "everything quiet and calm".

Ukraine war: Russia smothers independent media

Meanwhile, the Russian power apparatus has largely stifled the independent media.

According to Agalakova, the essence of propaganda in the Russian state media is to twist facts and produce a lie-filled concoction.

"I don't want people to be turned into zombies anymore," the 56-year-old was quoted as saying by the dpa.

On the other hand, the journalist admired the courage of the still free media in Russia.

"These are courageous, incredibly bold, brave people who I appreciate immensely," said Agalakova in Paris.

A free press is important - especially with a view to the Ukraine conflict*.

"And when people don't see themselves on the news anymore, they don't know who to turn to.

Your voice will not be heard.

That leads to suicide.

A major suicide on the scale of the country,” she added in her speech.

Zhanna Agalakova, a journalist for Russia's state-controlled broadcaster Channel One until she resigned this month, said on March 22, 2022 that she resigned in protest at the Russian-led war in Ukraine.


War in Ukraine: Russian journalist accused of treason

Zhanna Agalakowa is aware that she is now being accused of treason in Russia.

"Nobody paid me.

I'm not a spy," the Russian journalist stressed.

Nevertheless, she was concerned that the word "Russian" was being dropped in many places in the West, for example in shops or theaters.

“You are suffocating and killing Russian culture,” warned the former correspondent.

"I don't think that's your goal, but it's also an inevitable result of your actions." The Russian state is to blame for the current situation in Ukraine, emphasized Agalakova.

"But the West also has its responsibilities."

The Russian TV journalist Marina Owsyannikova called on her compatriots to protest against the Ukraine war.

She gave deep insights into Russia's propaganda.

After her TV protest, however, she fears for her life.

(kas with dpa) 

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.