The Limited Times

United Kingdom: Rishi Sunak's trompe-l'oeil tax cuts

3/23/2022, 8:57:45 PM

DECRYPTION - The Minister of the Economy posed as a champion of tax cuts before the House of Commons.


Rarely has the gap between the speech given by Boris Johnson's finance minister and reality been so wide.

On Wednesday afternoon, before the House of Commons, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, posed as a champion of tax cuts after announcing an increase in the threshold for social security contributions from next July as well as an immediate fuel tax cut of 5 pence per liter.

However, the Minister refused to reconsider the imminent increase of 1.25 percentage points in social security contributions for employees and the self-employed.

The measure, announced last September, aims to boost the funding of the British public health system and the care of dependent people.

She had been much decried by some of the Conservative MPs and the Labor opposition.

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