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"Linoy Ashram is a giant who broke the glass ceiling" Israel today

3/24/2022, 12:46:18 PM

Wave of reactions in the world of sports following the imminent retirement of the Olympic champion from Tokyo • Tomarkin: "Thank you Linoy, thank you for helping Israeli sports" • Raz Hershko: "She did historic things. You will surely succeed in whatever you want" • Yael Arad and Gili Lustig "

The impending retirement announcement of Olympic champion Linoy Ashram today (Thursday) drew a wave of reactions in Israeli Olympic sports.

Olympic swimmer Yaakov Tomarkin said: "Thank you Linoy, thank you for helping Israeli sports, thank you for moving us, thank you for helping Israeli sports, wish you success in citizenship, studies and whatever you choose. Your contribution was not only to this gymnastics industry. "Artium Dolgofyat, too. It was a beginning, here in Tokyo I was also present and I'm glad that Hannah Minenko and I were privileged to be the flag bearers in the most successful delegation so far."

Linoy Ashram.

Decided that enough, Photo: Ami Shumen

Judo Raz Hershko team bronze medalist said: "Before she was a great athlete she was a huge person, I had the pleasure of meeting her in person, and flying her in the same delegation to the Olympics, she did historic things and broke a lot of sure glass ceilings. "Good luck later. She has contributed a lot to the gymnastics industry and I am sure she will continue to contribute and in a big way."


A huge man, Photo: Getty

The Olympic Committee stated on behalf of the chairman Yael Arad and CEO Gili Lustig: "Linoy Ashram is a huge athlete. An example and role model for every boy and girl who represents Olympic excellence and all the values ​​that build success. "For future generations of society in Israel, in sports in general and gymnastics in particular.

Linoy Ashram and the Gold from Tokyo, Photo: From the private album

"Ashram's performance at the Tokyo Olympics overcoming tremendous excitement and the expectations of an entire country proved she is winking at the special stuff of giant champions. With a special soul. We wish Linoy Ashram good luck in her new life and ensure the Olympic family accompanies her and continues to have a supportive spirit. ".

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