The Limited Times

After "Rust" death: Alec Baldwin comes back with two Christmas films

3/24/2022, 1:34:27 PM

Although the investigation into his fatal shooting of a camerawoman is still ongoing, actor Alec Baldwin is planning his comeback. For this he spends a few weeks in Italy.

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Alec Baldwin in 2017 at a gala of the Elton John Aids Foundation: The two family comedies »Kid Santa« and »Billie's Magic World« are planned

Photo: Shannon Stapleton / REUTERS

Five months after the fatal shot on the film set of "Rust", the US actor Alec Baldwin is apparently planning his comeback: As the industry portal "Deadline" reported, the 63-year-old will play in two Italian Christmas films.

The actor will be seen with his brother William Baldwin in the two family comedies »Kid Santa« and »Billie's Magic World«.

The industry journal "Variety" confirmed, citing the two Italian production companies Minerva Pictures and ILBE, that the shooting should take place in Rome in a few days.

Both films come from the Italian director Francesco Cinquemani, who already directed the family comedy »The Christmas Witch« in 2021.

The two new films are planned as live-action and animated films.

Alec Baldwin and his brother will apparently stay in Rome for a total of four weeks to shoot the action part.

Several weeks ago, Alec Baldwin revealed in a video on his Instagram channel that he had "returned to work".

He hasn't worked since October 21, it's a strange feeling to be back.

He did not reveal which film it was.

At the time, media reports assumed that it was about the thriller »97 Minutes«, which was being shot in England at the same time.

Actor and co-producer Baldwin apparently accidentally shot the camerawoman with a prop gun on October 21, 2021 while filming the western »Rust«.

Director Joel Souza was hit in the shoulder and injured.

Investigations are currently underway into why the gun was loaded with live ammunition.

Alec Baldwin has repeatedly stated that he is innocent.

The armorer also denied any responsibility.

Relatives of the shot camerawoman, however, accuse the actor and other film participants of grossly negligent behavior.

They filed a lawsuit against Baldwin in February.
