The Limited Times

Change of leadership at TC Erding

3/24/2022, 9:11:06 AM

Change of leadership at TC Erding Created: 03/24/2022, 10:00 am By: Wolfgang Krzizok The new board: The Erding tennis club is now managed (back, from left): Jürgen Zellner, Sabine Hildenbrand, Michael Lehnert, Franz Widmann, Andi Keller, Alexander von courts, chairman Josef Widmann and (front, from left) Attila Babos, Eileen Stettner and Peter Wawrzyniak and (not in the photo) Ferdinand Stettne

Change of leadership at TC Erding

Created: 03/24/2022, 10:00 am

By: Wolfgang Krzizok

The new board: The Erding tennis club is now managed (back, from left): Jürgen Zellner, Sabine Hildenbrand, Michael Lehnert, Franz Widmann, Andi Keller, Alexander von courts, chairman Josef Widmann and (front, from left) Attila Babos, Eileen Stettner and Peter Wawrzyniak and (not in the photo) Ferdinand Stettner, Jürgen Braun, Thomas Schreder and Stefan Angerer.

© Wolfgang Krzizok

Josef Widmann is the new chairman of the Tennis Club Erding.

He thus succeeds Alexander von courts, who has not stood for election.

Erding – The tennis club Erding has a new board.

The long-standing chairman Alexander von courts did not stand for election, his successor was elected at the annual general meeting in the tennis hall Josef Widmann.

The outgoing President also had critical words ready to say goodbye.

"Last year we set ourselves the goal of getting as normal a season as possible despite Corona and surviving it financially unscathed," said von courts.

Club catering was a big problem.

Here you just couldn't find common ground with the old host and parted ways at the end of April.

At first the club house was managed on its own, "now we're glad that we have a new landlady," said the outgoing president.

Siri Kop Khun Ka offers Thai cuisine at her clubhouse restaurant, Ta Lom.

In the office there was a change from Sabine Hildenbrand to Gabi Gantschnig, reports from the courts.

In addition, the long-standing groundsman Hans Vogt has resigned, "we do not yet have a successor for him".

There will be a change in the coaching area, he announced.

Peter Wawrzyniak is no longer available for professional reasons, Attila Babos will step down.

"But here we managed a fantastic new signing with Michael Weindl," enthused von courts.

Finally, he looked back on his time on the board, when he was 3rd chairman under Willi Brandmeier in 2013 and finally took over his position in 2016.

"It was fun to move things forward, but it also took a lot of time," said von courts.

"It was an interesting time, but I don't need to have it again."

Of course, the club lives on other opinions, but dealings must always be respectful.

"Criticism is one thing, but insults and threats are something else," he stated.

Especially when it came to gastro, he and his team were "rabidly approached".

A personal reckoning is far from him, said the outgoing chairman, "but I just wanted to say it".

He found: "Overall, the tone is getting rougher.

A minority drums loudly and disrespectfully.” He concluded his remarks with the words: “I am happy to hand the club over to good hands.”

Everything at a distance: 45 members came to the annual general meeting, which, after an online event last year, was held this year in the tennis hall.

© Wolfgang Krzizok

In his cash report, treasurer Frank Kriesinger spoke of a difficult year, not only because of Corona.

For example, the repair of the leaking hall roof cost over 20,000 euros.

On the other hand, during the lockdown, when the hall had to be closed, the club had no income from hall rent and even reimbursed subscription payments.

"The issue of liquidity kept me busy," Kriesinger admitted.

40,000 euros in corona aid from the state were decisive: “That saved us.” The TCE closed 2020 with a minus of around 6,000 euros and 2021 with a plus of around 7,000 euros.

"We got off lightly in 2020, now I'd say the violet is barely visible," concluded the TCE Treasurer.

After the report of the sports wardens (report follows) and the discharge of the board, the new elections were on the agenda, with Erding's sports officer Janine Krzizok acting as election officer.

Josef Widmann presented himself as a candidate for the chairmanship.

"For me and my family, the TCE is home," said the 55-year-old, who has been with the club for 48 years and, as an active player, has gone through all teams from the Bambini to - currently - the men's 50.

Almost 30 years ago he was already on the board, at that time under Willi Brandmeier.

"I have experience - but also respect," emphasized Widmann.

Leading an association of this size is actually only possible with a "professional entrepreneurial structure, and we do it on a voluntary basis".

He put his forthcoming term of office under the heading "Togetherness", because working together in an association is "meaningful and identity-forming".

Widmann also emphasized the important social task of an association, and above all: “The promotion of young people is very important.”

At the end of 2021 he had promised to take over the office of TCE chairman.

He put together a team.

"And everyone I called said yes straight away: That was impressive." After Widmann was unanimously elected, he presented his board team.

There were no opposing candidates and no dissenting votes for any of the proposals.

The new board met yesterday evening for its constitutive meeting.

The new TCE board

Chairman: Josef Widmann – 2nd Chairman: Michael Lehnert – 3rd Chairman: Franz Widmann – Treasurer: Ferdinand Stettner – Assessors: Stefan Angerer, Attila Babos, Jürgen Braun, Sabine Hildenbrand, Thomas Schreder, Eileen Stettner, Peter Wawrzyniak, Jürgen Zellner – Cash auditors: Alexander von courts, Andi Keller