The Limited Times

Weilheim home debacle in a foreign hall

3/24/2022, 9:04:02 AM

what happened there? The district upper league leader TSV Weilheim got under the wheels in Huglfing against Herrsching II. The staff situation also played a role.

what happened there?

The district upper league leader TSV Weilheim got under the wheels in Huglfing against Herrsching II.

The staff situation also played a role.

Weilheim – The handball players of TSV Weilheim usually play their home games in the Jahnhalle or, in exceptional cases, in the Hardtschulhalle.

Both sports facilities were not available on the last match day, which is why the district upper league team had to switch to Huglfing at short notice for the comparison with TSV Herrsching II.

Only around a dozen spectators watched the game of the table leaders against the Landesliga-Reserve from Ammersee, whereby the Weilheimers, who were still weakened by the corona virus, did not perform like a top team.

“That was a disaster.

With the exception of the goalkeeper, every one of us was a total failure today,” said Weilheim's team spokesman Lukas Schwendele after the 20:33 (6:14) home debacle.

"We didn't get along at all with the Herrsching cover," admitted Schwendele.

The strong goalkeeper of the Herrschinger did the rest that the hit rate of the Weilheimer was bad, especially in the first half.

"Our defense, on the other hand, was very weak, nobody reached their normal level of performance," said Schwendele, who did not exempt himself from the criticism.

"But the wear and tear from the game in Landsberg two days before shouldn't be an excuse," said Schwendele.

TSV Weilheim only scored six goals in half one

The decimated district townsfolk, who again had to do without striker Nico Beinlich, also lacked a coaching hand on the sidelines.

Both the father-son team Gerhard and Felix Becker and temporary coach Carsten Rösler were unable to attend.

That's why Thomas Beinlich and Lorenz Proell took over the coaching.

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However, what the two got to see in the opening minutes did not please them much.

The Weilheimers made many inaccurate throws and simple ball losses.

As a result, the guests, who appeared in ASV Eglfing football shirts because they had forgotten their own shirts, quickly pulled away by four goals.

The Herrschinger extended the lead to six goals before the change.

The one-sided game continued in the second half.

The Weilheimers tried in vain on the offensive to regularly score goals on the other side with simple and straightforward actions from third in the table.

After the Herrschinger shifted down a gear in the final phase, the hosts at least managed to make up for the result.


Weilheim's players and goals: Luca Kessel (4), Moritz Krause (3), Fabian Löffler (3), Korbinian Wimmer (3/2), Lukas Schwendele, Philipp Bauer (2 each), Adrian Rangnick, Benny Leppert, Felix Letzsche (1 each), Lukas Beer, David Killing;

Goal: Benedikt Blacek, Lorenz Proll.