The Limited Times

A toxic well-being: a former collaborator of Gwyneth Paltrow criticizes the firm Goop

3/25/2022, 5:58:41 PM

After stepping down in 2020, Gwyneth Paltrow's former right-hand man, Elise Loehnen, is attacking the Welfare Popess.

Gwyneth Paltrow must have ringing ears again.

It is indeed again at the heart of a controversy.

And this time, it is not users or health professionals who are attacking her, but a former employee of her company Goop.

The latter is none other than Elise Loehnen, 42, director of content for the company until her resignation in October 2020. In a video posted on Instagram on Tuesday March 22, Gwyneth Paltrow's oldest collaborator believes that she mistreated his body for years during his contract, by complying with the precepts of an extreme detox philosophy.

Read alsoThe worst health advice from Gwyneth Paltrow

Breaking with a “punitive” trend

In this publication, Elise Loehnen says that when she left the company, she “needed to break with a tendency to be critical and punitive.

To punish myself."

Indeed, as The Cut reports, Goop employees regularly test the detox products and precepts sold by the brand.

On their website, one can read, for example, that the entire team adheres annually to the five-day "elimination diet" of Dr. Alejandro Junger.

This diet, which is not based on any scientific basis, consists of swallowing one solid meal a day and compensating for the rest of the day with supplements, in capsules or in a shaker, and teas.

In video, Diets: 3 traps to avoid

New life, new diet?

So many reasons that led him to turn away from any dietary restrictions after his resignation.

For two years, the former executive, now a writer, says she completely let go on the fork, eating “everything my young children wanted”.

Today, Elise Loehnen admits having drawn a definitive line on junk food.

A smoothly conducted story-telling.

The one who says “refuse to punish yourself with food” still praises the merits of a Kroma cure, where you consume broths, smoothies and


for five days .

“I didn't feel restricted, I wasn't hungry and I felt much better afterwards,” she says.

A speech that looks like the words of his former boss.

And for good reason, Gwyneth Paltrow would be among the investors of Kroma, reveals

The Cut
