The Limited Times

Epidemic | The number of confirmed cases in a single day dropped to 10,405, the CHP said the situation is still severe

3/25/2022, 9:58:27 AM

Although the fifth wave of the epidemic has declined, Hong Kong today (25th) reported 10,405 new confirmed cases in a single day. The number of cases fell further after the number of cases hovering between 13,000 and 15,000 a few days ago.

Although the fifth wave of the epidemic has declined, Hong Kong today (25th) reported 10,405 new confirmed cases in a single day, and the number of cases fell further after the number of cases that hovered between 13,000 and 15,000 a few days ago. He said that the current epidemic situation remains relatively severe, and it is difficult to predict the future trend, and calls on the public to abide by various social measures.

Au Ka-wing, chief physician of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said that a total of 10,405 confirmed cases were confirmed today, of which 4,578 were nucleic acid-positive cases, and 5,827 were quick-test positive cases, of which only 4 were imported cases.

He also revealed that there has been one more case in an elderly home in Hong Kong, involving six residents.

Ou said that there have been 1,098,900 cases in the fifth wave of the epidemic, of which 702,800 were positive for nucleic acid tests and 396,100 were positive for rapid tests.

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Future trends are still difficult to predict

Kong Fanyi, a clinical professor at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, pointed out today that if the epidemic gradually subsides, it is estimated that citizens will no longer need to wear masks outdoors until June and July.

Ou responded that the epidemic situation in Hong Kong is still severe, and it is difficult to predict the trend in the future. Therefore, he appeals to the public to abide by social distancing measures and wear masks when outdoors or in contact with others to prevent transmission.

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192 more people died in a single day

In terms of death toll, Au Ka-wing said that the fifth wave of the epidemic has recorded 6,749 deaths, 192 more than yesterday, and the death rate is now 0.61%.

The age of the deceased cases ranged from 11 months to 112 years, and the median remained at 86 years.

Ou said that the number of pediatric deaths remained at 7; 264 were among adults aged 18 to 59, accounting for 3.9% of all deaths; the remaining 6,469 deaths, all involving elderly people aged 60 or above, accounted for the total number of deaths 95.9%, of which 4,787 cases involved seniors aged 80 or above, accounting for 70.9%.

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87% of the deaths had no or only one injection

Ou continued to point out that after analyzing the vaccination status, it was found that 87% of the deaths had never been vaccinated or had only received one dose. Among those who died at the age of 80 or older, as many as 9 adults had not been vaccinated or received only one injection.

In all cases, the mortality rate was 1.79% with no or only one injection, and 0.11% with two or more doses, a 16-fold difference.

In addition, among the elderly aged 80 or above, the mortality rate was 11.6% with no injection or only one injection, and 3.36% with two or more injections, a difference of about 3.5 times.

The overall number of cases has dropped compared to before

Although medical facilities and manpower have increased recently, the death toll is still high. Au Jiarong explained that, like the 192 patients who died yesterday, none of them were infected within the past two days. Serious, so the death toll is still at a high level, but the overall number of cases is actually lower than before.

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