The Limited Times

EU Council, green light to plan against food shortages

3/25/2022, 8:34:38 PM

A solidarity fund for Ukraine has also been set up (ANSA)  The EU Council has given the green light to a plan to deal with the food shortage caused by the war in Ukraine, a major exporter of wheat. Inspired by the Covax international program for the distribution of anti-Covid vaccines, this program, called "Farm", aims in particular to increase transparency on world stocks, to guarantee supplies to countries most at risk and to encourage production in fr

 The EU Council has given the green light to a plan to deal with the food shortage caused by the war in Ukraine, a major exporter of wheat.

Inspired by the Covax international program for the distribution of anti-Covid vaccines, this program, called "Farm", aims in particular to increase transparency on world stocks, to guarantee supplies to countries most at risk and to encourage production in fragile regions. reads the conclusions of the summit of European leaders. 

The European Council also agreed to establish a Solidarity Trust Fund for Ukraine inviting its international partners to participate and calls for preparations to start without delay.

The EU Commission will be asked to provide technical assistance to help Ukraine implement the necessary reforms.

In due course "an international conference to raise funds under the Solidarity Trust Fund for Ukraine" should be organized.

This is what we read in the conclusions of the EU Council.