The Limited Times

Open doors at Montecitorio, concert for peace in Ukraine

3/25/2022, 3:17:27 PM

"On Sunday the appointment with Montecitorio at Open Doors returns, after the suspension of the initiative due to the pandemic. This March will be a special edition. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 25 - "The appointment with Montecitorio a Porte Aperte returns on Sunday, after the suspension of the initiative due to the pandemic. It will be a special edition this March. attend in the classroom a short concert of the string orchestra of the state Conservatory 'Santa Cecilia' dedicated to peace in Ukraine. Performing will be the soprano Anna Koshkina and the Ukrainian soprano Sofiia Chaika ".

This was stated by the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico.

"Furthermore, starting on Sunday, citizens will discover the new layout of the Aldo Moro Room, with the recently restored 'The Wedding at Cana'.

Also on display will be paintings by Italian artists of the twentieth century who are part of the artistic heritage of Montecitorio, chosen for the temporary exhibition.

Lasala Moro, in fact, hosts on a rotating basis a selection of works guarded by the Chamber of Deputies so as to make them known to visitors and students.

A precious artistic heritage already virtually available on the portal ". (ANSA).