The Limited Times

Rampelli (FdI), serves an ad hoc ministry for the sea

3/25/2022, 3:28:57 PM

"A nation that has 80% of the territory bathed by the sea, and has boundless potential in maritime transport, tourism and trade, in addition to fish farming and mussel farming, fishing, sea ecology, bathing, pleasure boating, water sports ... (ANSA )

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 25 - "A nation that has 80% of the territory wet by the sea, and has boundless potential in maritime transport, tourism and commerce, to which are added fish farming and mussel farming, fishing, sea ecology, bathing, pleasure boating, water sports , the Ministry of the Sea must have to find the spaces that we risk leaving to European or Asian partners at present ".

This is what the vice president of the Chamber of Deputies Fabio Rampelli of Brothers of Italy declared to the "Shipping 4.0: RoMare - Rome: capital of a maritime country?", Organized by Confitarma.

"Italy - added Rampelli - is a natural logistic platform on the Mediterranean and therefore we must equip this strategic quality of ours.

Up to now we have had a hard time intercepting the traffic of goods that comes in particular from the East and which, while passing through the Mediterranean, bypasses our ports to land in the ports of Northern Europe whose tax, infrastructural and logistic system is much more efficient than that Italian.

This difference must be eliminated in order to compete on equal terms.

It is essential to create infrastructures aimed at speeding up the transport of these goods: these are investments and not costs, because they will have a formidable economic and social impact ". (ANSA).

This difference must be eliminated in order to compete on equal terms.

It is essential to create infrastructures aimed at speeding up the transport of these goods: these are investments and not costs, because they will have a formidable economic and social impact ". (ANSA).

This difference must be eliminated in order to compete on equal terms.

It is essential to create infrastructures aimed at speeding up the transport of these goods: these are investments and not costs, because they will have a formidable economic and social impact ". (ANSA).