The Limited Times

Wednesday: Israel's Socio-Economic Resilience Conference Israel today

3/25/2022, 5:04:42 AM

The special event will open with a greeting from the editor of "Israel Today", the President of the State and the Prime Minister • The many moshavim will be attended by public figures, social entrepreneurs and senior members of the business sector

"Israel Makes a Correction", Israel Israel's economic-socio-resilience conference of "Israel Today", will be held on Wednesday, March 30, at the International Congress Center of the Nation Buildings in Jerusalem.

To register for the conference

The opening session of the conference will be held at 10:00 with the opening remarks of Amar Lachmanovich, the editor-in-chief of "Israel Today", the remarks of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the blessing of President Yitzhak Herzog.

During the opening session, an interview will be conducted by Moshe Leon, Mayor of Jerusalem, with Jackie Levy.

Afterwards, an economic resilience session will convene, where Daniel Roth-Avnery will interview the Minister of Economy and Industry, Maj. Gen. Orna Barbibai.

This session will include an interview with the Minister of Immigration and Absorption, Pnina Tamano Sheta, with Yifat Erlich, who will also chair a panel entitled: "Immigration for Immigration, Immigrants as an Engine of Growth" with Ayelet Shilo Tamir, CEO of the Friendship Foundation, and Shai Felber, VP and Director of the unit For immigration and absorption in the Jewish Agency.

Yaakov Hagoel, chairman of the World Zionist Organization and acting chairman of the Jewish Agency, will be interviewed by Hagai Segal, editor of Makor Rishon.

In addition, there will be an interview by Yair Avidan, the Supervisor of Banks, with Sonia Gorodisky, who will also chair a panel entitled: "Economic resilience begins in households," in which Hagai Hochberger, CDO Bank Hapoalim, will take part;

Sharon Levin, Information Officer, Bells;

Ayelet Nitzan, VP of Marketing for Yad2 and Lior Raviv, Deputy CEO, Director of the Customers and Distribution Channels in the Migdal Group.

Nurit Dabush, Director of Organizational Resilience at the MBA at the Ono Academic Campus, will also participate in the Economic Resilience Session as part of "Forever Resilience to Be Ready for the Next Crisis".

At 12:30, the cost of living session will convene, during which Sonia Gorodisky will interview the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Minister of Development of the Negev and Galilee, Oded Forer, and the panel "How much does it cost us? Lower the cost of living" with Rami Levy, CEO and owner of Rami Levy Sycamore Marketing, MK Dr. Shlomo Krei and Dr. Tali Thani Harari, Head of the Department of Business Administration at the Peres Academic Center.

The panel will be moderated by Shir Ziv.

Moriah Kor from "Israel Today" will interview Gidi Karuch, CEO of "Leket Israel", and another panel will be hosted by Shir Ziv, entitled: "The business of all of us, businesses in a storm of crisis" with the participation of Hava Zingboim, owner and CEO of Cosmetics Corporation Hava Zingboim , Ran Guetta, CEO of the Cameri Theater, and Hagar Yahav, CEO of the Business Sector Presidency.

After the lunch break, the resilience session will begin, during which an interview will be held by the Minister of Welfare and Social Security, Meir Cohen, with Noam (Devol) Dvir.

In addition, this session will include an interview by the chairman of Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni, with Yehuda Schlesinger, and a panel will be held: "The Right to Work, on Equality in Community Employment" with Adv. Einat Fischer Lalo, CEO In Israel;

Gil Ribush, Head of Community Services at the Jerusalem Municipality;

Rami Graur, CEO of the Employment Service and Oren Hellman, VP of Marketing and Regulation at the Israel Electric Corporation, CEO of the "Equal Opportunity" association. The session will be moderated by Anat Tzur, CEO of the Tapuach Association.

Another panel as part of the resilience session will be "The New World of Work" with the participation of Avi Edri, CEO of Cinema City, Yehudit Gersiro, VP of Human Resources at El Al, and Adi Janowitz, VP of HiBob Clients, hosted by Moriah Kor.

In the afternoon, the Social Resilience Session will convene, where the Minister of Social Equality, Meirav Cohen, will be interviewed by Daniel Roth-Avnery.

In the panel "Arab Society and the Israeli Economy" hosted by Jalal Bana, in which Brigadier General Dr. Meir Elran, Head of the Internal Arena Programs at the Institute for National Security Studies, will take part;

Gadir Mansour, head of Ryan's Central Marketing for the employment of the "Self" organization;

Summer Nahala, owner and CEO of the Nahala Coffee Division; Hans Shakur, high-tech entrepreneur, innovation and business-economic development catalyst.

The session that will close Israel's economic and socio-resilience conference will be the resilience session starting from home.

During which there will be an interview of the chairman of the Finance Committee, MK Alex Kushnir, with Sonia Gorodisky, and an interview of the Minister of Housing and Construction, Jerusalem and Heritage, Zeev Elkin, with Ofer Petersburg from "Real Estate Today".

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