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Grass Development Association honors 35 women who have achieved success stories

3/26/2022, 7:23:12 PM

Damascus, SANA- The Grass Development Association honored today 35 women who were able to overcome difficult circumstances and became breadwinners for their families.


Today, the Grass Development Association honored 35 women who were able to overcome difficult circumstances and were the breadwinners for their families, and achieved success stories and distinction, 10 of whom had recently obtained a literacy certificate... during a ceremony held at the amphitheater of the Association of Graduates of Commercial Institutes in Damascus.

The ceremony, which was held on the occasion of Mother's Day and supported by the United Nations Population Fund, included a video presentation about the honors and another about the achievements of the association, which was established in 2014 and provides educational services and various training courses.

In a statement to reporters, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Muhammad Seif El-Din stressed the ministry's endeavor to support and empower women in various fields in cooperation with NGOs and the concerned authorities to facilitate their access to the labor market, support their capabilities to achieve this, and develop the legislative environment to protect their rights and enhance their participation in society.

For his part, the representative of the United Nations Population Fund, Dr. Omar Ballan, pointed out that the Fund, in partnership with government agencies and associations, implements special programs to support women in various health, psychological and educational fields, in addition to empowering them economically to take their role in building their family and society properly.

The association’s vice-chairman, Sahar Jibril, indicated that the association mainly focuses on developing the skills and capabilities of the various women who benefit from its services through its educational programs, psychological support, rehabilitation and training, explaining that the association has opened literacy centers in addition to a kitchen project in which a number of women heads of families work with the aim of Securing permanent employment opportunities for them.

A number of the honorees drew attention to the fact that the honor has a moral effect that encourages them to give and excel more. Manal Rajab, a mother of three children who became their breadwinner after her husband’s death in 2012, indicated that the difficult circumstances posed a great challenge for her, and after several sessions in the association, she became a trainer in the field of communication skills She continued her studies to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, believing that women possess strength that derives from their responsibility towards their children.

For more than ten years, Rana Al-Zein has been working to raise her two children and support her family in addition to pursuing her university studies, noting that ambition does not end and the will is the best weapon to overcome difficulties, while Munira Orabi, who was freed from illiteracy at the age of 48, pointed out that a person with determination and patience can overcome any A circumstance and achieve his dream no matter how old he is and that she drew her strength from her family.

Muhannad Suleiman

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