The Limited Times

Kadyrov calls on European leaders to stop following Washington

3/26/2022, 7:53:08 PM

Grozny, SANA- Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov called on European leaders to stop retelling myths about democracy


Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov called on European leaders to stop retelling myths about American democracy and to think rationally and stop being tempted by the Americans.

Kadyrov said on his Telegram channel today: The United States is an economic vampire and European leaders must save their country from it,” addressing them by saying: “Do not let the stupid cowboy destroy the rest of the world.”

Kadyrov called on European leaders to assess the situation rationally, saying: "You have a wonderful opportunity to get rid of American oppression while a deranged person is taking over the leadership of this country."

Kadyrov noted that there are many more responsible partners in the world who do not resort to double standards.