The Limited Times

Peskov: Biden ordered the bombing of Yugoslavia and the killing of people there

3/26/2022, 7:53:02 PM

Moscow, SANA- Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov strongly criticized the statements of US President Joe Biden


Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has strongly criticized US President Joe Biden's statements against President Vladimir Putin, warning that such statements "further narrow the window of opportunity for normalization of relations between Russia and the United States."

Russia Today website quoted Peskov as saying today that the new accusations against Putin by Biden further narrow the window of opportunities available to normalize relations between Russia and the United States, adding that it is surprising to hear such accusations from Biden, who had previously issued orders to bomb Yugoslavia and kill people there.

For his part, the speaker of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, described Badin's statements as "helpless hysteria," stressing the need for a medical examination.

“The President of the United States has once again allowed himself to issue a undiplomatic statement against our president,” Volodin said on his Telegram channel, under the title “Biden is weak, sick and unhappy.” Noting that any weak or sick person could act in the way the president did American.

"We are proud of our President Vladimir Putin and his behavior ... and his stamina deserves respect," Volodin added, calling on the citizens of the United States to be ashamed of their president because he may be ill and it is better to undergo a medical examination as an unhappy man.

"The motives for this behavior will be explained more professionally by psychiatrists," Volodin added.

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