The Limited Times

Presidential 2022: Macronie mocks Le Pen's "metamorphosis", "become friendly"

3/26/2022, 6:59:06 PM

Sébastien Lecornu, Julien Denormandie and Bruno Le Maire - respectively Ministers of Overseas, Agriculture and the Economy - went to Eure to support the president candidate for his re-election.

With an irony mixed with concern, three ministers close to Emmanuel Macron - Sébastien Lecornu, Julien Denormandie and Bruno Le Maire - denounced Saturday in the Eure the "

amazing metamorphosis

" of Marine Le Pen who "

makes himself sympathetic

" and represents according to them “

a real risk

” for their candidate.

To discover

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

  • Marine Le Pen, her strategy, her proposals... Follow her campaign with the Figaro app

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Read alsoThe Macron camp is already preparing its new duel with Marine Le Pen

Let us not be fooled by

Mrs. Le Pen

, she is the heiress of the most radical party and has always held hate speech.

She would have turned into a sympathetic breeder of cats?

Lying !

“, lashed Bruno Le Maire (Economy), in front of 300 sympathizers gathered in Louviers (Eure).


Don't pretend that we are the elites and she the people!

“, he hammered, listing the tax cuts of the quinquennium.

She makes herself sympathetic and she plays it.

And we got used to extremes

, ”lamented Julien Denormandie (Agriculture).


There is a risk of an accident, nothing is played

", added Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of Overseas Territories and President of the Department, pointing out the risk of abstention and calling on his troops to "

mobilize for the last fifteen days



What strikes me is a certain indifference to this election, when the stakes have never been so high

", was also alarmed Bruno Le Maire, citing first and foremost that of "

war in Europe

" .

Two upcoming meetings

We are accused of stepping over the countryside.

Yes, we are campaigning!

“, defended Sébastien Lecornu, questioned by journalists on the absence of Emmanuel Macron on the ground this week, due in particular to three summits in Brussels (NATO, EU, G7).

The outgoing president will, however, make two trips next week – including Monday in Dijon – before his big meeting on Saturday at La Défense, his ministers argued.

Alongside the three ministers appeared in Louviers the mayor of Beauvais, the ex-LR Caroline Cayeux – sometimes cited as minister in the event of a second five-year term.

In front of the Maison des sports, around thirty "

yellow vests

" were prevented from entering, except for an anti-vaccination pass activist who climbed on the platform before being taken out by security guards.

Read also Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron in intermittent flash campaign

They denounced pell-mell an “


” president, the vaccination pass, the rise in gasoline, the weakness of pensions, the state contracts with the consulting firm McKinsey or the sale of a subsidiary of Alstom. in 2015. Sometimes pro-Russian arguments were added.


I hesitate between voting Mélenchon and Le Pen in the first round, and in the second I will vote for the opponent of Macron

", launched one of them, when others said they did not want to vote.