The Limited Times

Right on the Interior Minister's Plan: "An Important Law - But It's Doubtful to Pass" Israel today

3/26/2022, 8:41:01 PM

After the exposure of "Israel Today": The right welcomes Minister Shaked's plan to revoke citizenship from terrorists • MK Sheetrit: "Zionist answer, but I doubt it as long as the supporters of terrorism in the coalition" • Forum

The right welcomes the announcement by the Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked, that she will work to approve the law revoking the citizenship of Israeli terrorists and deporting them after imprisonment.

However, some have expressed doubts about whether Shaked will be able to formulate a majority for the law in the current coalition.

According to MK Katie Sheetrit (Likud), "This is a very important law, but unfortunately I doubt it will pass when there are terrorist supporters in the coalition.

You can see this, in fact, when this government abolished the moratorium on the denial of money from terrorists who are transferred to Abu Mazen, and for seven months now money has been transferred to him and he pays to murderous terrorists.

"It is doubtful whether the law will pass": MK Katie Sheetrit, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

"If Minister Shaked does bring the law in the style of my friends, MKs Orit Struck and Avi Dichter, the entire Zionist opposition will support it. This bill is an appropriate and Zionist answer. .

The "Voters for Life" forum of bereaved families and victims of terrorism said that "although MKs from across the political spectrum - Shaked and Bennett, Saar, Ganz, Lieberman and other members of the coalition - have signed the law themselves, they have chosen to vote against it twice in the past year. "Those released from prison return to their lives and live five minutes from the homes of their murdered people."

One of the scenes of the attack in Be'er Sheva, Photo: Dudu Greenspan

Moreover, the forum says, "If the law had passed in time, the victims of the horrific attack in Be'er Sheva might still be alive. This is mental supervision. If the government continues to drag its feet deliberately and refrains from putting the law to a vote, The coalition should make it clear that they are committed to putting the law to a vote on the first day of the summer session, without us having to pay for it in additional murders. "

As you may recall, in Israel Today it was revealed that the government published a memorandum of law over the weekend, stating that the interior minister will have the authority to revoke the citizenship of an Israeli who takes part in hostile terrorist activity, is punished for imprisonment and receives an allowance from the Palestinian Authority.

The law, initiated by MKs Avi Dichter and Orit Struck, stipulates that at the end of his imprisonment, a terrorist will be deported to the Palestinian Authority.

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