The Limited Times

Russian Defense: Azerbaijani forces have entered the area of ​​responsibility of our peacekeeping forces in Nagorno-Karabakh

3/26/2022, 6:34:59 PM

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Azerbaijani forces have entered the area of ​​responsibility of the peacekeeping battalion


The Russian Defense Ministry announced that the Azerbaijani forces have entered the area of ​​responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping battalion in the Karabakh region.

The ministry said in a statement today: The leadership of the Russian peacekeeping unit in Karabakh is taking measures to resolve the issue, noting that Russia has called on Azerbaijan to withdraw its forces from the areas it entered in Karabakh.

For its part, the local authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh declared a state of emergency in the region, accusing Baku of violating the ceasefire and killing two people with the Armenian army.

In turn, the Armenian Foreign Ministry considered that the incursion of the Azerbaijani forces into the area of ​​responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping forces requires an investigation and a clear demand for the return of the Azerbaijani forces to their positions, calling on the Russian forces to take concrete steps to settle the situation.

It is noteworthy that on November 9, 2020, under the auspices of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan reached a ceasefire agreement that ended a conflict between Baku and Yerevan in the Nagorno-Karabakh region that lasted about a month and a half.

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