The Limited Times

The airport's three-run flight test will be completed within April and will be opened as scheduled within this year

3/26/2022, 3:59:02 PM

The airport's third runway is expected to be launched in the second half of this year. The AA stated that it will cooperate with the Civil Aviation Department and the Flight Calibration Center of the Civil Aviation Administration of China to start the test flight for the third runway. It is expected to be completed within April, and the third runway is expected to be available today.

The airport's third runway is expected to be launched in the second half of this year. The AA said that it will cooperate with the Civil Aviation Department and the Flight Calibration Center of the Civil Aviation Administration of China to start the test flight for the third runway. It is expected to be completed within April, and the third runway is expected to be completed this year. It was put into operation according to the original plan.

▼AA re-allocated the runway earlier▼

The Airport Authority, the Civil Aviation Department and the Flight Calibration Center of the Civil Aviation Administration of China cooperated with each other to conduct a test flight for the third runway. The relevant air navigation services equipment, flight procedures and runway ground lights will be verified to ensure full compliance with ICAO standards. The test flight will be completed in April.

▼The AA re-allocated some parking spaces earlier to prepare for the third run▼

The three-run paving project was completed in September last year, and the parking spaces and runways have been re-allocated successively. The original north runway of the airport has been re-allocated as the middle runway, and the new third runway will be allocated as the north runway.

The AA stated that taxiways, runway ground lights, rescue and firefighting facilities, etc. have also been substantially completed and are expected to be put into operation this year as originally planned.

The AA also predicted earlier that the entire three-run system, including the T2 concourse, will be completed by 2024.

▼September 7, 2021 The completion of the three-run laying project▼


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