The Limited Times

The outbreak of the epidemic in the hospital | Zhou Yongxin: relying on internal review to become superficial MPs: independent investigation and accountability after the epidemic

3/26/2022, 11:17:16 PM

Having experienced four waves of epidemics, Hong Kong successfully "dynamically cleared" for 8 months last year, but the government seems to have not grasped the opportunity to prepare for a new wave, and has not yet given a long-term blueprint for epidemic control. At the end of December last year, the fifth wave

Having experienced four waves of epidemics, Hong Kong successfully "dynamically cleared" for 8 months last year, but the government seems to have not grasped the opportunity to prepare for a new wave, and has not yet given a long-term blueprint for epidemic control.

At the end of December last year, the fifth wave of attacks arrived. According to official figures, more than one million people were diagnosed in less than three months, and the death toll was approaching 7,000. Hong Kong has become one of the most successful areas in epidemic prevention and has become the highest mortality rate in the world. Forced to "coexist with the virus".

The epidemic has hit the institutions hard, and half of the deceased are residents. More than 90% of the elderly homes in Hong Kong have outbreaks, and half of the residents have been recruited. The dominoes have brought down the medical system and quarantine facilities.

The Chief Executive has stated earlier that he is open to the establishment of a committee to conduct a comprehensive review of government, private and institutional behavior.

After less than a week, yesterday (26th), a working group led by the Permanent Secretary of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, Liu Yan, was set up to take the lead in reviewing the anti-epidemic capability of the institution. Formulate anti-epidemic guidelines.

Zhou Yongxin, an emeritus professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong, pointed out that the problems of ventilation and other equipment are superficial, and even "knowing but not changing it". Manpower, etc. are subject to in-depth review, it is recommended to invite scholars to join.

Zhou Yongxin said that it is difficult to review the overall anti-epidemic policy only by relying on an internal government group. An independent investigation committee must be established after SARS in 2003, which will be handled by judges. He hopes that the next government will conduct a thorough study of the issue of Hong Kong's governance structure.

Some members of the Legislative Council agree that the time after the epidemic is over, including holding responsible officials responsible for their duties. They believe that only in this way can the "painful experience" described by the Secretary for Labor and Welfare, Law Chi-kwong, be avoided from repeating itself.

Zhou Yongxin said that nearly half of the residents of the nursing home were infected with the virus, and the government should explore the deep-seated problems behind the situation.

(File photo/Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

In the current wave of the epidemic, one month after the number of confirmed cases in a single day increased exponentially, it dropped to four digits for the first time yesterday (26th). One of the main reasons is that the community has gradually established a natural immune barrier.

The University of Hong Kong estimates that currently 4.4 million people in Hong Kong have been recruited, but there is no room for relaxation, because once the sixth wave hits, more than 2 million people will be infected in minutes, and the tragic situation in residential care homes for the elderly may recur.

The government specifically mentioned research on ventilation Zhou Yongxin: very superficial

Law Chi-kwong announced the establishment of a government working group to review the anti-epidemic capabilities of residential care homes in the Chief Executive's routine yesterday.

He admitted that the authorities had noticed the ventilation problem in the residential house during the third wave of the epidemic in 2020, but thought it would be difficult to refit, so they added an air purifier to the residential house, but it was obviously unable to deal with the highly contagious variant virus Omicron. A traumatic experience in the home.

Zhou Yongxin pointed out that the ventilation problem mentioned by Luo Zhiguang is very superficial, and there is no need for the group to review and study. Half of the people are residents, which is a very high number. The government should explore the deep-seated problems behind the situation, including reviewing the poor conditions of the elderly homes, the lack of isolation facilities and manpower shortages, so as to improve the elderly care situation in the long run. .

Member of Parliament: Internal review is technical in nature, advocating to join industry scholars

Di Zhiyuan, a member of the New Thinking Social Welfare Legislative Council, agrees that the government has set up a working group to discuss how to effectively prevent the next wave of the epidemic, covering software and hardware, central support and isolation measures, etc.

He said that the government should take the opportunity to raise the standards of residential care homes for the elderly, but reminded that it should not eliminate substandard residential homes across the board. Too aggressive progress will be counterproductive and lead to a more serious imbalance between supply and demand.

He also pointed out that there are limitations in conducting the review within the government, and it may be a technical review.

Jiang Yuhuan, a member of the Legislative Council of the Election Committee, pointed out that the problem of the elderly home is obviously insufficient in manpower and facilities, and there are also problems in the communication between the elderly home and the isolation facilities. I hope this review can discuss related issues.

She also believes that the government should join geriatricians and people in residential care homes to discuss, and also said that in the long run, the government should set up a department to deal with elderly issues.

Di Zhiyuan emphasized that although the government welcomes the review of the institution, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive review of the overall response to the epidemic, and also to explore whether any officials should be held accountable.

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Zhou Yongxin: Judges must independently investigate MPs who say dereliction of duty should be held accountable

The current wave of epidemic has claimed nearly 7,000 lives. Should an independent investigation committee be established as in 2003 for SARS?

Zhou Yongxin pointed out that it is difficult to review the overall anti-epidemic policy by relying on the government alone. It is necessary to set up an independent investigation committee led by judges and hope that the next government will carry out.

He said officials did not necessarily need to "get heads down", but it was necessary to carefully examine what went wrong with Hong Kong's governance structure.

In 2003, after the epidemic, the government established the "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Expert Committee" and appointed 11 experts from Britain, the United States, Australia, the mainland and local to review the epidemic control work. In the end, the committee did not ask officials to be held accountable. Yongqiang and Leung Chi-hung, chairman of the Hospital Authority, resigned.

Both Di Zhiyuan and Jiang Yuhuan agreed that after the epidemic, it was time to set up an independent investigation committee.

Di Zhiyuan said that a comprehensive review of the epidemic should be carried out. In addition to epidemic control, government operations and civil servant mobilization should also be reviewed. "Depending on the family is not the time for accountability." But after the epidemic, whether there are issues that officials need to be held accountable is worth exploring. It is considered to reflect the spirit of accountability.

Jiang Yuhuan pointed out that the investigation should cover the reasons for the slow progress of vaccination and the confusion of initial information, etc. The main purpose is to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy, not for accountability.

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