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Who here is Aries? We've found you the luck that suits you best - and that's less - Walla! Wind and horoscope

3/26/2022, 9:17:02 PM

Aries people will find a common chemistry for Sagittarians but are expected to enter into recurring conflicts with Cancerians. This way you will know who has high potential to be the perfect partner for you

Who here is Aries?

We have found the luck that suits you best - and the one that is less

Aries people will find a common chemistry for Sagittarians but are expected to enter into recurring conflicts with Cancerians.

This way you will know who has the highest potential to be the perfect partner for you

Yair Tribalsky


Tuesday, 13 July 2021, 09:26

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Match between zodiac signs: Who suits you Aries? (Photo: ShutterStock)

Every week we will show you a match between one of the zodiac signs and the other zodiac signs on the map - and this time we chose to check the match for



Aries with Aries

Two fire zodiac signs.

What can be said about two children, each with a light finger on the trigger?

This is what the relationship between these two children looks like, each of whom needs his own instant gratification, and what he wants - should happen now!

No small power games may happen in this relationship, and the question being asked is just who will blink first.

If they succeed in growing up and understand that only a commitment and not an ego will hold them together - a warm relationship is expected, with a lot of love, quarrels, and empathy, after they are completed.

If not - sorry.

Aries with a bull

Fire sign, and Earth sign.

Remember the parable of the turtle and the hare?

This is roughly what the connection of these two looks like.

While there is an attraction between two neighboring zodiac signs, Aries wants everything here - and now, and does not get along with the Taurus' annoying slowness, even though he needs a supportive shoulder and the understanding and patience that Taurus has to give.

If the bull does not start moving, and the lamb does not show minimal patience - everything will end before it starts .. On the other hand, if the lamb thinks twice, it will stay, and for a long time.

Aries with Gemini

fire and air sign.

The child with the biggest ego, meets the most curious child who always has something to say about everything .. Such a meeting can be wonderful, with a lot of warmth, curiosity and the need to play, make a living, talk about everything, and in the end when you get tired - move on.

This is how a connection of two such looks, when what really matters is communication and communication, both on the physical level and on the verbal level.

Cute, cozy and fun, both for a relationship and for friendship.

And just be careful not to get carried away with the words.

Aries with cancer

Fire sign and water sign.

As with any combination of fire and water zodiac signs, this combination may not be easy.

Aries is open luck, with a lot of enthusiasm and fire, and the cancer is much more introverted, very very sensitive, and most importantly - vulnerable and feels .. Cancer takes everything personally and is easily offended, and Aries is insulting without paying attention, with a lot of tactlessness.

There is chemistry between the years, but the high sensitivity of both can neutralize everything.

Lots of storms, lots of drama, and in the summer - too emotional: maybe that's why it's over so fast.

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In collaboration with B144

Aries, who are you suitable for and who are less so? (Photo: ShutterStock)

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Aries with a lion

two fire zodiac signs, and so does the relationship: a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of action, a lot of physical contact, and a lot of a lot of fire.

The problem is that each of these years wants to be at the center, and that the other will consider it.

Everyone wants to determine what to do and where to go, and for the other to give up.

But none of the years is a big waiver, and here too the relationship may end: insistence on principles, positions of power, and a common desire for the same thing ... The truth?

More suitable for friendship, but as I know you do to me and try ... stubborn as you are.

Aries with Virgo

Fire sign and Earth sign.

Between these years there is no special chemistry: Aries is a vigorous, young sign, with a healthy head, and a great deal of energy.

Virgo is a lucky man who deals with details, a lot of criticism, and does not really die for the extravagant and reckless energy of the lamb, and tries to educate him to be more orderly, more organized, and most importantly to waste less energy - and be practical.

Very quickly the lamb breaks from the microscope pointed at it, and even despairs ... not easy.

Aries with Libra

Fire sign and Air sign.

Two opposites that can certainly complete, but also be the biggest enemies, the vigorous and decisive lamb, reveals a very diplomatic mate - but also very hesitant, but rather he accepts the lamb as he is.

But the balance and hesitation of the balance together with his need to consider everything over and over again can bring out the lamb.

If the lamb manages to understand why Libra takes a long time, and Libra is stimulated easily and consistently - a wonderful connection will grow.

Aries with Scorpio

Fire sign and Water sign.

These two zodiac signs have a hard time digesting each other.

In the case of the lamb - everything is outside: what you see is what is there.

Maybe that's why the Scorpion's Poker Face, who never shows anything for fear of being harmed, may drive the lamb crazy, who constantly needs immediate feedback.

The lamb takes everything out without account, and the scorpion - keeps inside, until it explodes.

In short, a lot of things the lamb does not like here, including the scorpion sting, and therefore - the connection is not easy.

Maybe this will help you choose the perfect partner (Photo: ShutterStock)

Aries with a rainbow of

two zodiac signs.

And here he finally finds a boy who resembles him: both the lamb and the bow are very spontaneous, both very impulsive and almost equally tactless, and both shoot straight from the sleeve without thinking twice, and without account.

They both love action, and they both really enjoy traveling and hiking, without warning.

There is only one problem: they both hate to argue, because they are always right .. Maybe that's why the relationship is more suitable for friendship, than for a relationship.

Aries with Capricorn

Fire and Earth sign.

There is a very strong chemistry between these years, but also a very big difference, which is not always easy - if at all - to bridge.

Aries is very fond of instant gratifications, and it is difficult for him to reject them.

Capricorn, on the other hand, is very considerate, and rejects gratification.

Capricorn is also organized and thinks long-term, while the lamb is a sweet mess, and thinks for one day ahead, at best .. It is difficult to bridge the gaps, but the flexibility of Gaddy on the patchwork stabilization side - will yield a strong bond.

Aries with a bucket

of fire sign and air sign.

As always between the zodiac signs of fire and air, here too there is a pleasant harmonious flow between these two elements, and the truth is that there is also a resemblance between them: both are very fond of action, love a lot of people around them, and like to be the center of attention.

But the social and friendly bucket needs spice and has a bit of a hard time in a relationship that is too close and in a one-on-one relationship, when the lamb really needs this closeness, physically and emotionally.

If the bucket does not manage to get closer - the relationship will be more suitable for friendship.

Aries with Pisces

Fire sign and Water sign.

Water often puts out the fire, and in this case - just intrigue it, but do not let it in.

The fish will always be very mysterious for laying.

How is it that a person does not reveal himself in five minutes?

Yes, there are things that the lamb does not understand, and the shy fish who likes to live with himself in a mysterious atmosphere does not feel like explaining.

On the other hand, the fish magic lights up the lamb, and the patchwork security charms the fish, but if they are not honestly opened to each other - the connection will die out.

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