The Limited Times

Yemen announces the suspension of military operations inside Saudi territory for 3 days

3/26/2022, 8:10:55 PM

Sana'a, SANA- The head of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen, Mahdi al-Mashat, announced the suspension of missile and air strikes


The head of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen, Mahdi Al-Mashat, announced the suspension of missile and drone strikes and all military actions towards Saudi territory by land, sea and air for a period of three days unilaterally.

In a speech on the occasion of the National Day of Resilience and the passage of seven years since the aggression against Yemen, Al-Mashat affirmed the readiness to turn this announcement into a final, firm and permanent commitment in the event that the Saudi regime committed to ending the siege, stopping its air raids on Yemeni lands and completely halting support for its local militias in Yemen, pointing out that the suspension of operations The offensive also includes the Ma'rib front.

Al-Mashat also announced full readiness to release all prisoners held by the army and popular committees in exchange for the full release of prisoners held by the Saudi regime.

The head of the Supreme Political Council called on the UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, to arrange procedures and facilitate the exchange of statements and executive agreements, in full or in installments, to ensure the total release of all prisoners on both sides, reiterating his keenness on peace as a paramount goal and a supreme goal.

He also called on the international community to deal with the peace file in Yemen as a sacred issue, to refrain from falsehood, allegations and bidding, and to stop all obstructive stances, practices and methods. Our national position and making hollow and foolish descriptions are unnecessary actions that contradict the requirements and requirements of peace and the principle of confidence building.”

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