The Limited Times

Covid: isolation and self-surveillance, the rules from April 1st

3/27/2022, 2:23:25 PM

From 1 April only those who have contracted the virus will have to remain isolated at home. Circular waiting for the Ministry of Health after Thursday's decree (ANSA)

From 1 April only those who have contracted the virus will have to remain isolated at home.

Those who have had close contact with a positive case will have to apply the self-surveillance regime: that is, wear the FFP2 mask for 10 days from the last contact, test at the first appearance of symptoms and, if still symptomatic, on the fifth day following the date of last contact.

This was established by decree law 24 of last Thursday on the termination of the state of emergency.

It will be a circular from the Ministry of Health to define the methods of implementation of the new provisions.

    Again starting from April 1, the decree still indicates, "it is forbidden to move from their home or residence to persons subjected to the measure of isolation by provision of the health authority as they test positive for Sars-CoV-2, until to ascertain the cure ".

The termination of the isolation regime for positives, the provision specifies, "follows the negative outcome of a rapid or molecular antigen test for the detection of Sars-CoV-2, also carried out in private centers authorized to do so. case, the transmission, also electronically, to the territorially competent prevention department of the report, with negative results, determines the termination of the isolation regime ".