The Limited Times

epidemic. The latest | The travel index rebounds, the epidemic may rebound on April 21, and there are variables in the resumption of dine-in in the evening market?

3/27/2022, 11:11:58 PM

The fifth wave of the epidemic seems to be gradually easing. Yesterday (27th), 8,037 new confirmed cases were reported.

The fifth wave of the epidemic seems to be gradually easing. Yesterday (27th), 8,037 new confirmed cases were reported. The risk of rebound may affect the plan to relax social distancing measures on April 21.

Can we resume dine-in dinners in the evening market as originally planned?

The Food and Health Bureau restarted the mandatory testing announcement last Tuesday (22nd), and a total of 75 buildings have been listed in the past 6 days.

Au Ka-wing, the chief doctor of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said yesterday that the government will take inspection actions in the future, such as issuing forced inspection orders to observe whether residents of certain buildings have been tested within the time limit.

Summary of yesterday's epidemic reports:


3.27|The number of new confirmed cases remains at 8,000; the fifth wave of deaths exceeds 7,000

▼After the peak of the epidemic on March 27, the market flow increased on Sunday▼


▼From March 22, the mandatory inspection announcement will be on the list of buildings▼


[08:00] The number of new cases in the fifth wave of the epidemic dropped to below 10,000 for two consecutive days. However, Leung Cheuk-wai, a government expert advisor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, advised the public on Sunday (27th) that the public should not mistakenly believe that the epidemic is going downhill. Because the travel index of citizens has rebounded in recent days, if the situation continues, the fifth wave of rebound is not surprising.

The "Real-time Effective Reproduction Rate" of local cases estimated by the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong showed a slight rebound in recent days, rebounding to 0.4111 on the 19th of this month.

Respiratory specialist Liang Zichao believes that the number of people who have recovered after the diagnosis has increased, and they still have to go out to work every day, so it is an inevitable phenomenon for the market to return to the flow of people.

He believes that the Hong Kong government should focus on the risk of resumption of classes. Since the proportion of natural immunization (that is, those who have been infected and recovered) and the vaccination ratio of kindergarten and primary school children are relatively low, it is recommended not to set a hard target for resumption of classes. It is recommended to grasp the seropositive rate of the group Proportion, and then decide carefully.

▼On March 26th, a large number of citizens lined up to buy OMEGA and SWATCH joint watches▼


CUHK Research Reveals that 1 in 5 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Have Dry Eye Infection

[07:00] A study by the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK found that patients with COVID-19 developed various symptoms within 2 to 3 months after recovery.

Among them, the incidence of dry eye is higher, and 1 in 5 recoveries has one or more symptoms related to dry eye, usually feeling dry eyes, itching, tearing, photophobia or blurred vision.

In addition, the study found that the higher the viral load of the patient at the time of infection (ie, the lower the CT value), the higher the risk of dry eye after recovery.

Tan Zhiyong, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, said that dry eye syndrome affects individuals' reading, driving and using electronic products, and it takes a lot of time and expense to treat.

Chong Jinlong, associate professor of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK said that the research aims to encourage the public to get vaccinated, which is the most effective way to reduce the amount of infection with rare viruses and prevent other sequelae.

Dry eye is caused by the instability of the tear film and the increase in the osmotic pressure of the tear fluid, leading to inflammation on the surface of the eyeball and damage to the surface structure of the eye and the nerves on the ocular surface.

(file picture)

▼On March 27th, Tai Po Kwong Fook Village was closed and forcibly inspected▼


Customs Clearance|Leung Cheuk-wai calls for reflection on Hong Kong's role in the overall situation of the country: the fifth wave accumulatively over 7,000 deaths, vaccinated foreign male admitted to hospital for 5 days with cardiac arrest and death for two consecutive days, the number of new cases fell to four digits The Department of Health said it was a "good phenomenon" and called on not to relax. Starting from Tuesday, a quick test must be taken before boarding the plane to fly to the mainland. All 400 members of the mainland medical and nursing team are stationed in the Hospital Authority of Asia Pacific: if the hospital beds are full, they will be asked to send 1,000 more people to the flight circuit breaker and the no-fly period will be shortened to seven days. When the building was closed, the elderly who had not been vaccinated registered for a strong test and received a negative test. Luo Zhiguang described the initial progress of the vaccination in the residential home as a tragic one.

▼On March 27, the enclosure inspection of Li Tim Building, Ap Lei Chau Village, Aberdeen ▼


Compulsory testing | 1 block of Ho Fai Garden, Tsuen Wan, 15th Building, has been re-launched for the first time since six days. Four areas with positive sewage and a high viral load of 145,000 people need to quickly test Sheyao Tung Village, Fu Shan Village, etc. Compulsory testing | Restart 5 On the 60th Building on the list, the Department of Health announced that it will inspect whether the citizens are tested and closed. Unblocking of Youlou Building and Yingdong Building in Dongtou Village, a total of 125 buildings with positive diagnoses | 147 buildings are newly listed on the list involving 3 Beishawan, Whampoa Garden, etc.

▼March 27 Kwun Tong Community Vaccination Service▼


The mystery of the sky mirror photos of the makeshift hospital revealed the rain last week, about 20 cases of light flooding, the Drainage Services Department was short of bleach, and the Stonecutters Island Sewage Works reduced the dose on Monday, which affected the water quality of Tsuen Wan beaches. Taxi demand reduction Transportation Department: At the end of this month, 200 cars will be reduced. Young people with paper-leather meal coupons will send more rice groups to provide warmth. Decrease the epidemic from the 14th to the 7th | The Director of Health visited the Toyama Mortuary to inspect the internal design of the new facility for the storage of the remains exposed to the epidemic | 13 community quarantine hotels were converted back to designated quarantine hotels to add 4,400 rooms

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