The Limited Times

Russian and Ukrainian soprano together, a song of peace from the Chamber

3/27/2022, 1:41:50 PM

Highlight event for the 200 visitors of Montecitorio with open doors (ANSA) The voices of the Russian soprano Anna Koshkina and the Ukrainian one Sofiia Chaika intertwined in a message of peace: their performance, with the string orchestra of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome directed by Michelangelo Galeati, is was the highlight of the first 2022 edition of Montecitorio with open doors, a traditional appointment for visiting citizens, with two hundred seats availabl

The voices of the Russian soprano Anna Koshkina and the Ukrainian one Sofiia Chaika intertwined in a message of peace: their performance, with the string orchestra of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome directed by Michelangelo Galeati, is was the highlight of the first 2022 edition of Montecitorio with open doors, a traditional appointment for visiting citizens, with two hundred seats available which sold out in an hour.

Divided into groups of 25, visitors were accompanied along a historical-artistic itinerary, visiting, among other things, the Sala della Lupa, that of the Queen, and the Sala Aldo Moro, with the new layout after the restoration of the Wedding at Cana. , as well as the Mona Lisa Torlonia which caused the experts to discuss so much.

Finally, the Hemicycle where, amid expressions of emotion, visitors took their seats at the benches of deputies, listening to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus and Pergolesi's Stabat Mater during the short concert.

"For me it is a pride to sing with young people from different peoples, united by music, by art. And I am proud to be Ukrainian, of my people who fight and do not give up - explained Sofiia Chaika, in Italy for two years -. I hope may this terrible war which is causing so many victims soon end. I hope so for humanity ".

At his side, as in the concert for peace on March 8 at the Pantheon, Anna Koshkina, who has been in Italy for five years: "With this song we want to convey the message that we want peace, we want to be united as Sofiia and I are: we love ".