The Limited Times

The first Bavarian district no longer wants to take in refugees from the Ukraine – the reason is surprising

3/27/2022, 1:48:03 PM

The first Bavarian district no longer wants to take in refugees from the Ukraine – the reason is surprising Created: 03/27/2022, 15:38 By: Thomas Eldersch Poor coordination and lack of communication. First district in Bavaria pulls the rip cord. Donau-Ries no longer wants to take in Ukrainian refugees. Donauwörth – Tomorrow it will be exactly one month since war broke out in Ukraine. Since the

The first Bavarian district no longer wants to take in refugees from the Ukraine – the reason is surprising

Created: 03/27/2022, 15:38

By: Thomas Eldersch

Poor coordination and lack of communication.

First district in Bavaria pulls the rip cord.

Donau-Ries no longer wants to take in Ukrainian refugees.

Donauwörth – Tomorrow it will be exactly one month since war broke out in Ukraine.

Since then, thousands of people have fled the invading Russian troops.

Many also to Germany and Bavaria.

Many refugees arrive every day, especially in Berlin and at the border areas with Poland.


should then be distributed throughout the country.

Often, however, things go more badly than right.

War in Ukraine: First Bavarian district no longer accepts refugees


was also repeatedly found in the Swabian district of Donau-Ries.

It was only on Tuesday that around 50 helpers were waiting for two buses that were supposed to arrive in the district with 100 refugees.

But there was no sign of life from the buses or the refugees until after midnight.

Then another transport arrived.

On board were eleven people from Ukraine.

District Administrator Stefan Rößle (CSU) was enough.

On Wednesday, March 23, he announced that he no longer wanted to take in any more refugees.

Many Ukrainian refugees are distributed throughout Germany by bus.

But that often doesn't work as planned.

© Sergei Grits/dpa

Rößle had already identified a culprit.

The Federal Office for Goods Transport is responsible for the distribution of people seeking protection.

This authority commissioned Deutsche Bahn, which in turn hired subcontractors for the bus trips.

"The bus drivers are not able to give the district administration authorities they are driving reliable information on the number of people or the time of arrival," reported the district office in Donauwörth.

"This is a situation that you can't really imagine in a country like Germany, which is a world leader in many areas."

Refugees from Ukraine: The problem of distribution has already reached politics

The problem was also an issue at the press conference after the cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) called on the federal government to act quickly.

He suggested assigning a federal police officer to each bus.

He could then tell the local helpers when the bus would arrive and how many refugees were on board.

On the federal side, however, there were already promises of improvement.

You don't want police officers, but supervisors in the buses.

However, it was initially unclear when this should happen.

In any case, the Donau-Ries district office was indignant.

"These chaotic circumstances in the allocation of refugees from Ukraine endanger the motivation of the full-time and voluntary helpers to the highest degree."

(tel with dpa)

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