The Limited Times

VIDEO. War in Ukraine: the nightmare of Olha, 90, and her daughter Natalia, survivors of Chernihiv

3/27/2022, 3:47:26 PM

On the borders of Belarus, a country allied with Russia, Chernihiv has become a name that makes people shudder. Amid these smoking ruins,

We are at Przemysl station, on the border between Poland and Ukraine.

This city with an unpronounceable name for the French, which acts as a salvation for the thousands of refugees who disembark every day to wait for a train, which will take them away from the nightmare.

In the hall, which has been a bit empty for two weeks, because 10 million people have already fled the country, not to mention the curfews and the roads blocked by the Russians, a lady in tears grabs our arm.

She points to her old mother who is waiting in her wheelchair.

A babushka, with a little white beret, who has already seen the Germans invade “her region located not far from Belarus and Russia”.

“I was little during the Second World War.

I saw the Germans, animals that killed children and old people.

But at least they haven't touched the buildings,” says Olha, born in 1932. Tears are streaming down her cheeks, which are almost over a century old.

“In Chernihiv we had a historical, much-loved part, which is at least 1,000 years old.

Tourists came to visit us.

Today, there is nothing,” she laments, clutching her black cocker spaniel on her knees.

Her hands are shaking slightly as her voice breaks.

“The enemy blew up the bridges”

“The Russians destroyed all the infrastructure, electricity, water station, heating.

We had nothing to drink, little to eat and all the social places were razed: school, nurseries, hospitals, even the football stadium, ”continues his daughter Natalia, in her early sixties.

“It's part of a strategy.

They bombarded relentlessly, street by street.

For the inhabitants, it has become impossible to live.

They speak of a humanitarian corridor, but in fact they are not respected and they shoot children indiscriminately,” says Olha.

“My old brain can't understand how you can do this to ordinary people,” laments the nonagenarian.

On March 16, in Chernihiv, residents were waiting to buy bread in front of one of the few shops still standing.

The line was very long.

Suddenly, “bullets from the sky pounded the crowd,” says Natalia.

At least 10 people were killed.

An investigation was opened for “premeditated murders” committed using “firearms


Chernihiv, a strategic city north of kyiv, was heavily bombarded by Russian air force from the Russian offensive on February 24.

The two women were part of one of the last humanitarian convoys which enabled the inhabitants to escape from the trap.

“The volunteers did everything possible to save us.

They drove at breakneck speed, because each time we slowed down, we could be shot,” explains Natalia.

“But those who remain will no longer have this chance.

After we passed, the enemy blew up the bridges”.