The Limited Times

Putin's war and the new global equilibrium

3/28/2022, 4:17:56 PM

THE ANALYSIS by Stefano Polli. Listen to the podcast (ANSA)

Nothing will ever be the same again.

Putin's war in Ukraine is destined to change the geopolitical balance and the global chessboard that we knew a little over a month ago, before the Russian tanks and missiles reported a twentieth-century war in the heart of Europe.

Many changes are already underway, others are partly predictable, still others may surprise us in the coming months and years.

It is easy to see what is happening in Europe.

The future is already here among us: the strong rapprochement between the United States and the European Union after years of tiring relations, the strengthening of NATO which from the 'brain death' seen by Macron now has a meaning and a horizon again, the decisive step of 'EU towards a common foreign policy and the creation of a common defense identity,

These are steps that it was thought could take years and that instead are happening, under our very eyes, in a few weeks.

But by broadening our gaze, we can understand how Putin's war is destined to change diplomatic relations and alignments in all corners of the world.

China, in spite of itself, is at the center of these innovations.

Beijing has maintained a deliberately ambiguous position but is already planning moves for the next few years.

The recent strengthening of relations wanted by Putin and Xi has not been denied.

But China on the one hand avoids explicitly condemning Moscow and on the other continues to say that it believes in dialogue and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states.

Beijing's fear is that the economic crisis following the sanctions could affect its project-centered expansionism in the 'New Silk Road'.

On the other hand, globalization as we have known it up to now is destined to change rapidly and the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global economy will certainly undergo significant setbacks.

China will not expose itself on the war and in the meantime will prepare the ground for new alliances.

Foreign Minister Wang recently traveled to India for the first visit since the 2020 clashes on the Himalayan border which led to a rapid deterioration of ties between the two most populous countries in the world.

Now everything seems almost forgotten in the face of the new problems to be faced.

Possibly together.

China and India import energy from Russia and 50 percent of Indian armaments come from Moscow.

The West therefore fears that in the medium term an alliance between India and China could be created that winks at Russia.

It would be a crazy scenario that would bring the world back divided between two fronts with a new form of Cold War.

But this time it would no longer be Moscow but Beijing to lead the eastern front.

But it would also be a scenario that would, in part, go against Chinese interests: where would the trade ends with the USA and Europe of a country that focuses entirely or almost entirely on international trade?

Also, and above all, in the choices made by Beijing and in the answer to this question, which we could have a few months from now, the new global geopolitics structure of the next few years will be formed.

To understand how Putin's war is changing the world, one can also look at Latin America where Argentina and Brazil are very cautious in condemning the Russian invasion and are instead thinking of replacing Moscow and Kiev in corn exports to global markets.

Buenos Aires and Brasilia are the second and third largest corn producers in the world, respectively, and are now looking at war from another perspective.

The Donbass, a month ago, seemed a long way off.

Now from the war born in that small region are born the global changes that will build the world of tomorrow.

And Putin, by giving the green light to his tanks, wanted to change history.

And that's what's happening, but not in the direction he wanted.