The Limited Times

Sowing vegetables, cutting shrubs: these gardening tasks are due in April

3/28/2022, 12:42:07 PM

Sowing vegetables, cutting shrubs: these gardening tasks are due in April Created: 03/28/2022, 14:31 By: Andrea Stettner Spring is the high season in the garden - now we are busy sowing, planting and tending the lawn. You can read about the gardening work to be done in April here. In April there will be a lot of work in the garden* again. After the rough spring cleaning in the garden was alrea

Sowing vegetables, cutting shrubs: these gardening tasks are due in April

Created: 03/28/2022, 14:31

By: Andrea Stettner

Spring is the high season in the garden - now we are busy sowing, planting and tending the lawn.

You can read about the gardening work to be done in April here.

In April there will be a lot of work in the garden* again.

After the rough spring cleaning in the garden was already done in March*, it's now time to prepare, sow and plant the beds.

In the following, you can read about which flowers and vegetables are coming up and what other gardening work is due to be done in April around beds, lawns and shrubs.

Gardening in April: This is on the to-do list for hobby gardeners

In April, the preparations for the garden year are due, which means a lot of planning: Which plants should grow in my garden, which flowers will bloom in summer?

While you should wait for the ice saints with some plants,

some flowers and vegetables can be outdoors as early as April


If you start gardening early, you can even harvest the first seasonal vegetables in April.

The most important work at a glance:

  • Prepare bed

  • Build a raised bed

  • See vegetables and flowers - on the windowsill and outside in the bed

  • Harvest seasonal vegetables

  • cutting wood

  • lawn care

Gardening in April: Many types of vegetables and flowers are now being grown in small pots.

© Jochen Tack/Imago

Prepare and create beds and raised beds

If you still need beds for the new gardening year, you should create them quickly now.

Flat beds , for example, are wonderful for



Raised beds

are recommended for vegetables

: rotting processes inside ensure a great supply of nutrients for lettuce, herbs, etc. The latter also offers better protection against voracious snails.

Which vegetables can you sow or plant in April?

You can grow heat-loving and frost-sensitive plants such as tomatoes or courgettes

on the windowsill

from April , either in seed trays or in small pots.

These are then planted outdoors after the ice saints in May.

These include:

  • tomatoes

  • paprika

  • chili

  • zucchini

  • cucumbers

  • French beans / pole beans

  • aubergine

  • melons

As soon as tomatoes have developed the first leaves, they are also


out in April - that is, taken out of the ground with a pricking stick and planted in small pots.

Other plants are not sensitive to frost and can be




in the garden bed from April .

This includes:

  • lettuce

  • onions

  • potatoes

  • broccoli

  • cauliflower

  • Kohlrabi

  • radish

  • spinach

  • chard

Harvest plants in April: seasonal vegetables

In April, the first seasonal vegetables are already making their way from the garden straight to the kitchen table.

If you own a greenhouse, you can already enjoy fresh lamb's


, radishes or chard from your own cultivation.

In the field,








are waiting for the first harvest.

Seeing and planting flowers in April:

If you want to enjoy a real sea of ​​flowers in summer and autumn, you should get your hands dirty by April at the latest: numerous annual summer flowers have to be

sown in April


These include

nasturtiums, cornflowers,

marigolds, snapdragons or marigolds, as well as summer asters or the magnificent sunflowers.

From April, dahlias, garden freesias, gladioli or lilies can be planted directly in the bed or tub.

cut shrubs

In April, softwoods such as



hibiscus, hydrangeas


summer lilacs

are cut back.

This stimulates their growth and ensures a nice, dense growth.

Make sure you make the cuts at an angle, otherwise water can collect in the cuts and they rot.

For the sake of breeding birds, you should avoid radical cuts.

For this reason, a lot of gardening work, such as trimming hedges or felling trees, is prohibited from spring onwards – severe fines can be imposed here.

Gardening in April: scarify the lawn

Moss has spread in many gardens over the winter.

Scarifying can help to remove annoying moss and aerate the turf - but not too often so as not to put additional strain on the turf.

Home remedies such as coffee grounds can promote lawn health and thus help to combat moss*.

Other fertilizing methods also help to ensure that moss does not stand a chance in the lawn.

(as) * is an offer from