The Limited Times

The situation in the morning: How neutral can Ukraine be?

3/29/2022, 3:47:06 AM

The painful offers of negotiations by the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. The concerns of NRW Prime Minister Wüst. And: Is Scotland Yard asking Boris Johnson to pay? This is the situation on Tuesday.

Today we look to Istanbul, where Ukrainian and Russian negotiators want to talk directly about a ceasefire.

And we look at Hendrik Wüst, who has to deliver for the CDU in NRW in May after losing the Saarland election.

You talk - but what for?

Day 34 of the war in Ukraine, the bloodshed continues.

So far, there is no sign of a possible change in strategy by the Russian troops, who are said to be able to soon concentrate on the "liberation" of the Donbass.

After all, negotiations are to start again today, in Istanbul: for the first time in three weeks, Ukrainian and Russian negotiators will be sitting face to face.

How seriously Russia intends to conduct these negotiations at all is uncertain.

So far there are no signs of concessions from Moscow.

Or is it supposed to be a constructive concession when the Kremlin no longer insists on "denazifying" Ukraine?

Now there are also reports of a possible, non-life-threatening poisoning of Ukrainian delegation members at the beginning of March.

The Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich is said to have been caught in the process.

Kyiv doesn't want to know anything about it, but the question of what the negotiations are supposed to achieve is getting louder and louder.

Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelensky

himself has hinted

that he may be willing to make painful compromises


For example, when it comes to secession from the territories occupied by Russia or a “neutral” status for his country in the future, as Vladimir Putin is demanding.

But how neutral can Ukraine be once the war is over?

Ukraine can renounce NATO membership if it is a prerequisite for the guns to remain silent.

But what about the European Union?

It is hard to imagine that Putin would consider even the initiation of EU membership to be compatible with his idea of ​​a neutral Ukraine.

Ukraine, however, cannot let an aggressor dictate to whom it should feel connected in the future.

Even the demilitarization demanded by Putin is not an option after this raid,

Russia will always be a threat


A »neutral« Ukraine?

It is all too understandable that Zelenskyj holds out the prospect of this in the fight for his country's survival.

And yet the idea that this could actually happen becomes more absurd with each passing day of the war.

  • Russia's war of aggression: Six scenarios for how things can continue in Ukraine

Merz is planning

They had already priced in the defeat in


in the CDU federal headquarters, but this crash shocked Friedrich Merz and his strategists in Berlin's Adenauer House.

Now the motto is: tick it off, keep going, just don't get nervous.

The next state elections are due in May, and first Daniel Günther in Schleswig-Holstein and then Hendrik Wüst in North Rhine-Westphalia will have to defend the state chancellery.

Merz, party and faction leader in personal union, wants to see

"no precedent"

for the coming votes in the Saar bankruptcy.

What else should he say?

The restlessness is palpable.

Especially on May 15th in NRW, the most populous federal state and Merz' home, the CDU has to deliver.

Otherwise things could get uncomfortable for the new strong man in the Union after just a few months.

Merz knows what it's about, he promises to support the NRW-CDU in the election campaign to the best of his ability - which was not necessarily the case in Saarland recently.

Prime Minister Wüst needs this support.

The 46-year-old inherited the office like Hans in Saarland, has not yet won an election himself and has not really gained in stature so far despite the big stage as chairman of the Corona prime ministerial conferences.

The most recent survey saw the CDU ahead of the SPD, but the mood is not clear.

The incumbent black-yellow coalition would not currently have a majority, but a traffic light would.

On Monday evening, Wüst tried to joke away possible worries.

"I also assume an absolute majority,"

the CDU state leader alluded to at an event organized by the "Rheinische Post" on the triumph of the SPD competition in Saarland.

But since that seems unattainable, the head of government has declared himself in a coalition with the FDP.

That could "work out in the end."

Total conviction sounds different.

By the way, this Tuesday Wüst will appear

together with Olaf Scholz


Prime Minister and Chancellor visit the flood-hit town of Bad Münstereifel to see how reconstruction is progressing.

A good opportunity to demonstrate closeness to the people and leadership at the same time.

Even if a real election campaign is forbidden at such an appointment.

But it will now flare up in NRW, the SPD should try to carry the Saar momentum to the Rhine.

In the event that things go wrong in NRW, too, Merz is trying to prepare.

Despite all the support he promises

, he is already emphasizing:

"But the responsibility lies with Hendrik Wüst and the state party."



It is actually inconceivable that Merz himself believes in it.

  • CDU leader Merz, election loser Hans: One is undeterred, the other is on the verge of extinction

Partygate is back

You remember?

Boris Johnson and the lockdown parties?

It's not so long ago that the British prime minister had to defend himself against massive calls for his resignation because of his personal interpretation of the corona rules that wasn't quite as strict.

But when Russia invaded Ukraine, Johnson's alleged sins suddenly seemed more venial.

But now Partygate is back and things could get uncomfortable for Johnson again.

Because, according to British media reports, after a thorough investigation of twelve social gatherings in Downing Street and the questioning of more than 100 participants, Scotland Yard may want to impose the

first fines

today .

First of all, it should be about 15 people for whom the violations are particularly obvious.

More penalties are likely to follow.

Recently it was said that the amount of the fines imposed and the associated offenses should be announced, but not the names.

However, Johnson has announced that he will make it public himself if he is there.

And then?

Johnson has always maintained that he broke no law.

If the police now sees things differently, it would be extremely embarrassing.

But the political consequences are uncertain.

One of Johnson's harshest critics from within his own ranks, the head of the Scottish Tories, Douglas Ross, recently withdrew his call for resignation - it was now the wrong time to change the head of government.

Johnson will feel the same way.

  • Battle for Downing Street: Johnson is loved for his mistakes, Johnson is hated for his mistakes

The farewell of the day...


Sandra Ciesek


Christian Drosten.

The virologist and the virologist can be heard together for the last time today in the NDR info podcast "The Corona Virus Update".

For a good two years, Ciesek and Drosten have regularly explained the virus to millions of people in this format.

Now the pandemic is not over, and Drosten has already predicted that Germany will “not experience an infection-free summer” thanks to the highly contagious omicron variant.

However, the two break up.

"I have the feeling that the orientation in the pandemic is there," Drosten recently justified the step and at the same time did not rule out a rerun of the podcast if there was a need for information about further booster vaccinations.

»Until then there is not much left to say.«

If you follow the political debates about hotspots and future corona rules, you can have serious doubts about this.

On Monday, several federal states failed in their attempt to extend the corona requirements that are still in force - despite the continuing record number of infections.

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The SPIEGEL + recommendations for today

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Have a good day.


Yours, Philip Wittrock

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