The Limited Times

Moscow Patriarchate hopes to meet the Pope "this year"

3/30/2022, 5:53:48 PM

The Russian Orthodox Church hopes for a meeting between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis in person "this year". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, MARCH 30 - The Russian Orthodox Church hopes for a meeting between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis in person "this year".

The Russian embassy to the Holy See writes in a tweet, relaunching an article by Ria Novosti which refers to the statements in this sense by the metropolitan Hilarion, responsible for international relations of the patriarchate of Moscow.

"Work is underway" on this meeting, he said, adding that due to the development of the events in Ukraine, the Pope and the Patriarch needed to communicate earlier than the meeting that is being organized in presence, even if at a distance on March 16).