The Limited Times

Opinion | Umm al-Fahm has not really changed | Israel today

4/2/2022, 7:25:06 PM

Not everyone in Umm al-Fahm is a fan of terrorism and its fans, but there are enough of them there, so that we can read the map correctly and be suspicious even these days, of the "condemnations" and "astonishment" that emerge from the city, from which several terrorist attacks have already emerged.

There are many residents in Umm al-Fahm who want to live with us in peace and well, but there are also many residents who would be happy to see the end of the Jewish state - literally.

Those in need of proof are asked to go back five years, to the attack carried out on the Temple Mount by three members of the Jabarin clan;

An attack in which, as in Hadera, two border police officers were killed.

The response of the "street" in Umm al-Fahm, after the same attack, was the same as that heard after the murder of two Border Police officers in Hadera, Yazan Fallah and Shiral Aboukaret, last week. On the act "," We are not terrorists. "One of them explained:" We are not enemies of the state.

We are part of the country. "The media gathered the reactions enthusiastically.

"It is important for the residents to make it clear that they do not support any kind of terrorism, and they make it clear again and again," one journalist wrote the day after the attack on the Temple Mount (Maariv, July 16, 2017).

"Umm al-Fahm was struck with astonishment," Israel Today wrote.

Then, ten days later, the funeral procession of the three terrorists who murdered the two policemen, Eyal Sitawi and Kamil Shenan, took place in Umm al-Fahm.

About ten thousand people, most of them city dwellers, came to pay their last respects to the murderers.

This was no less serious than the obituary announcement issued (and later withdrawn) by the Umm al-Fahm municipality following the attack in Hadera.

The scene of the attack in Hadera, Photo: AFP

At this funeral, at least, Umm al-Fahm, "struck by astonishment," made a 180-degree U-turn.

Palestinian flags were hoisted and the masses shouted, "In blood and fire we will redeem al-Aqsa."

That event was then led by the head of the northern faction of the Islamic Movement, Raed Salah.

Participants testified that this was one of the largest funerals ever held in the city, "as befits the honor of martyrs."

Abed, a neighbor of another terrorist, then explained to "Israel Today": "Even if you see all three as terrorists, for us they are heroes and they deserve a proper burial."

One line links the mourning announcement of the deaths of two ISIS killers from the Hadera attack to that mass demonstration of hatred.

Umm al-Fahm has not really changed.

Not everyone in Umm al-Fahm is a fan of terrorism and its fans, but there are enough of them there, so that we can read the map correctly and suspect, even these days, the "condemnations" and "astonishment" that emerge from the city, from which several terrorist attacks have already emerged.

Were we wrong?


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