The Limited Times

Robot dog as a lockdown helper

4/2/2022, 3:18:44 PM

Around 26 million people in Shanghai are in lockdown. Apparently there is displeasure with the government's zero-Covid strategy. Which in turn also uses electronic helpers.

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Wear a mask, wash your hands, take your temperature regularly.

It's Corona basic rules that this robot dog in Shanghai is reminding people of.

Those responsible are trying by all means to get an outbreak in the 26 million metropolis under control.

That could be difficult.

The government also sent the western part of the city into lockdown on Friday, after it had already imposed exit restrictions on Monday for the eastern parts of the city that were affected first.

Nevertheless, the city reported almost 4,500 new corona cases on Friday.

The Chinese government is rigorously pursuing its zero-Covid strategy - despite the fact that its limits have already become visible in Hong Kong in recent weeks.

The reason is the high infectivity of the omicron variant and the apparently lower protective effect of the Sinovac vaccine used in China.

At the same time, people in Shanghai are becoming more and more dissatisfied, mainly because of difficulties with medical and food supplies.

The city government senses that trouble is imminent - and has apologized as a precaution for the inconvenience caused.