The Limited Times

The idea of ​​training the creep from Damascus is not practical Israel today

4/2/2022, 9:01:09 PM

In the background of the Negev conference, the Emirate's regent, Muhammad bin Zayed, is pushing to return Assad to the Arab nation in exchange for eliminating the Iranian presence and influence in Syria and Lebanon, with the passive consent of Israel • The obstacle: Assad has no real power to do so

Not only the nuclear agreement employed the participants of the Negev Summit.

Alongside the concern over the implications of the agreement, we will also examine the idea of ​​eliminating the Iranian presence and influence in Syria and Lebanon through the training of the creep known as Assad.

This idea, as stated in the report in "Israel Today", is not new, but is also now being vigorously promoted by the Emirates' heir, Muhammad bin Zayed, with the passive consent of Israel and the other participants in the summit.

In November last year, Ben-Zayed sent his foreign minister to Damascus, and last month welcomed Assad to the Emirates.

This is the Syrian president's first visit to an Arab country since he began shedding the blood of his citizens exactly 11 years ago and was therefore expelled from the Arab League.

Participants in "Pisgat Hanegev",

It is no coincidence that the UAE is now leading the move.

The firing of the Houthi rebels at the Emirates buried the thaw in relations with Tehran, reminding the Gulf states that the main threat to them from Iran would only get worse once they signed the nuclear deal.

Hence the deal pushing the Emirates: Arab states will work to renew Arab and international legitimacy for the Syrian dictator and also to return Syria to the Arab League, and in return Assad orders the removal of "all foreign forces" from Syria and the renewal of full Damascus sovereignty over the entire country.

No Iranian militias and no Turkish forces.

In closed rooms, Ben Zayed explains the logic behind the proposal.

First, Assad may be a cruel and ruthless ruler, but he is still the only alternative left to the Syrian leadership, and all other alternatives are worse than it is.

Second, Assad survived, albeit thanks to Hezbollah and Iranian spies and the Russian military, but is not "in love" with the Iranian presence and would have been happy to get rid of it.

And third, Assad understands that Iran does not have the enormous resources needed to rehabilitate Syria from its ruins, while the Gulf states can actually help.

Netanyahu and Bennett, Photo: Coco, Oren Ben Hakon

Not only Oman and the Emirates, but also Egypt, Jordan and other Arab countries, on the Israeli side, support the proposed deal to train the Syrian dictator.

The problem is that this is an impractical idea, at least not at this stage.

The situation will not change

Although Assad survived the war, large parts of Syria are not under his control.

He owes his survival to the Russians and Iranians, and the latter have already seeped deep into the ranks of the Syrian army.

It does not have the power to demand the departure of the Iranians and the departure of Hezbollah, which also controls the border area between Syria and Lebanon, just as it does not have the power to demand the departure of the Turks from northern Syria, before an agreement is reached to keep the Kurdish rebels away.

The United States is strongly opposed to keeping Assad in power, and the chances of coordinating positions between Moscow and Washington regarding the removal of the Iranians from Syria while the guns are roaring in Ukraine are close to zero.

Under these circumstances, there is no reason to hope that the return of Assad to the Arab nation, in itself, will bring about a fundamental change in the internal situation in Syria.

Israel will need to remain vigilant to offset the negative consequences of the nuclear deal, without letting go of the effort to reduce in any way possible, militarily and politically, the Iranian influence in Syria and Lebanon.

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