The Limited Times

Concentrated resistance: Alliance "Koa Kongresshalle" founded against planned event arena near Freising

4/5/2022, 5:07:57 PM

Concentrated resistance: Alliance "Koa Kongresshalle" founded against planned event arena near Freising Created: 05/04/2022, 19:00 By: Andreas Beschorner The speaker council of "Koa Kongresshalle" (from left): Guido Hoyer, Rolf Linke, Emilia Kirner, Anna Hanusch and Annemarie Raeder. © Beschorner The planned event hall near Freising meets with resistance: parties and organizations have now fou

Concentrated resistance: Alliance "Koa Kongresshalle" founded against planned event arena near Freising

Created: 05/04/2022, 19:00

By: Andreas Beschorner

The speaker council of "Koa Kongresshalle" (from left): Guido Hoyer, Rolf Linke, Emilia Kirner, Anna Hanusch and Annemarie Raeder.

© Beschorner

The planned event hall near Freising meets with resistance: parties and organizations have now founded the action alliance "Koa Kongresshalle".


– First a short yodel, then a loud whoop, followed by a “Samma again together”: This is how Hartmut Binner, for many years one of the icons of the runway defense and now ÖDP city councilor, entered the room in the one on Monday -Welt-Haus in Munich.

Representatives of parties and organizations had gathered there to launch the “Koa Kongresshalle” action alliance.

The aim of the merger: to prevent the SW Munich Real Estate GmbH Convention Center (MUCcc), often referred to as the “Event Arena” and planned in the west of the airport area, at all costs.

"Everything possible"

Christian Magerl, a member of the state parliament for the Greens for many years and currently spokesman for Aufgemuckt, organized the founding event.

According to Magerl, the advertising strategy of the investors, which says that in future it will be possible to cycle to a Rolling Stones concert in the 20,000-seat hall, is misleading.

Because the plan is not an event arena, but a convention center.

And in which "everything is possible": international congresses, shareholders' meetings of large companies, and, and, and.

In short: The MUCcc, "a monster" for Magerl, would be huge competition for Munich.

Katharina Klimm, the spokeswoman for Fridays for Future Freising, presented the open letter that was sent to Freising's mayor Tobias Eschenbacher in December 2021.

The content of the letter, which matched the concerns of the new alliance: prefer to promote cultural and leisure opportunities in Freising, prevent the sealing of eleven hectares of land and a further increase in traffic, instead implement "really sustainable projects" in Freising.

Ball is with the city

The current member of the state parliament for the Greens from the district of Freising, Johannes Becher, interpreted the statements of the ministries in response to his inquiries: First it was said that the congress hall had to go through a "target deviation procedure" and then over the planning permission of the city of Freising can be realized.

But now a different, a “surprising answer”: According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Convention Center suddenly contributes to the hub function of the airport (we reported), so it should generate more flight movements and is therefore an airport-related business.

Now, according to Becher, with a view to the special session of the Freising City Council on Wednesday evening, "the ball is in the town".

For Becher it is clear: "The MUCcc does more harm than good for the region."

surface sealing

Manfred Drobny, the managing director of the BN in Freising, Green City Councilor, airport and environmental officer, sees it this way: 20,000 square meters of floor space, plus a hotel with 200 beds, and a whole rat's tail" of other areas to be sealed - that's how they see it planning off.

Drobny saw problems with traffic in particular: Even when the lab campus was being planned, the traffic report considered the existing roads to be “just about adequate”.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

When it comes to public transport, the planning of the congress hall assumes that the Erdinger Ringschluss, its own S-Bahn station and the finished 2nd trunk route are available.

The argument that a very sustainable congress hall is being built is also incomprehensible.

Because the construction is assumed, if it is now sustainable, that is good for the climate.

So you act as if you only have to build as many convention centers as possible to protect the climate even better.

All in all: "There is no plan justification."

The goal

So the goal is clear: prevent MUCcc.

For this purpose, the action alliance called “Koa Kongresshalle” gave itself rules of procedure and elected a five-person spokesperson on Monday evening.

This includes the parliamentary group leader of the ÖDP in Freising, Emilia Kirner, the Freising city and district council of the left, Guido Hoyer, the parliamentary group leader of the Greens in the Munich city council, Anna Hanusch, the regional officer of the Bund Naturschutz, Annemarie Raeder, and the Freising Greens city council Rolf Linke.

A treasurer was not found.

But that wasn't too tragic, because "we don't have any money in the till yet," said Magerl.

You can find more current news from the district of Freising at