The Limited Times

Pope: President Aoun, will be in Lebanon in June

4/5/2022, 4:25:56 PM

Pope Francis will visit Lebanon next June: Lebanese President Michel Aoun announced today as reported by the twitter profile of the presidency of the Lebanese republic. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BEIRUT, APRIL 05 - Pope Francis will visit Lebanon next June: Lebanese president Michel Aoun announced today as reported by the twitter profile of the presidency of the Lebanese republic.

The Lebanese media take up the news and say that the pontiff could be in Lebanon from 12 June next.

According to the presidency of the Lebanese republic, Aoun was informed of the date of the Pope's visit by the apostolic nuncio to Beirut, Monsignor Joseph Spiteri, who was received today by Aoun at the presidential palace in Baabda, reports the Lebanese presidency.

"The Lebanese await the visit of Pope Francis to express their gratitude for the interest His Holiness has shown in Lebanon," Aoun said.
