The Limited Times

Valentina di Crepax protagonist Show comics

4/5/2022, 5:32:03 PM

Valentina, "icon" of Guido Crepax's stories, will be the absolute protagonist of the 20th edition of the national comic exhibition, Tiferno Comics, scheduled in Città di Castello from 10 September to 23 October. (HANDLE)

CITTA DI CASTELLO (PERUGIA) - Valentina, "icon" of Guido Crepax's stories, will be the absolute protagonist of the 20th edition of the national comic exhibition, Tiferno Comics, scheduled in Città di Castello from 10 September to 23 October.

"Valentina presents: TuttoCrepax", the title of the exhibition which will be divided into nine rooms of Palazzo Facchinetti, each of which is dedicated to one of the great themes that characterize the art of the cartoonist.

    The sequence of topics - it is explained in a note from the Tifernate Municipality - is then structured in a chronological order, to allow the viewer to relive, step by step, all the main stages of the author's professional career.

In this path, Valentina also acts as a guide for the viewer through life-size silhouettes that in each room are placed side by side with a panel of text that presents the subject matter in a narrated way.

    The previews on the exhibition were illustrated to the mayor, Luca Secondi and the councilor for Culture, Michela Botteghi, by the president of the Friends of Comics association, Gianfranco Bellini during a meeting in the town hall.

Caterina and Giacomo, two of Guido Crepax's three children, arrived in Città di Castello from Milan to fine-tune and define the details of the event.

    "Our father loved art very much - said Caterina and Giacomo Crepax - and let his characters play, Valentina first of all with art, immerse it in the works and sculptures of the artists".

    Among the works that will be exhibited there will be one dedicated to the master Alberto Burri.

    At the end of the meeting, the mayor Luca Secondi and the councilor for culture, Michela Botteghi, defined the edition of the exhibition dedicated to Crepax and his symbolic character, Valentina, as "an international event of culture, of art and beauty capable of conveying the city's image and excellence ".