The Limited Times

Czech Republic: Russian couple in Prague takes in Ukrainian refugees

4/6/2022, 7:51:50 PM

Yulia Sarycheva fled Dnipro with her three children before the war. She found a place to stay with a Russian family in the Czech Republic. She is against Putin - and has historical reasons for her actions.

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People from Russia and Ukraine - together under one roof?

This has become a reality for two families: Yulia Sarycheva and her three sons had to flee the war in their hometown of Dnipro in Ukraine at the beginning of March.

They took the train to Prague and were taken in by a Russian couple.

They would not have thought that they would find refuge here of all places.

Yulia Sarycheva, Ukrainian refugee

»There was panic on the train and we didn't know where we were going.

At night I have waves of gratitude for having met Peter and Yulia.«

Artist Peter Bankov and his wife Yulia Fedulova are part of the Russian community in the Czech Republic.

The couple had contacted the church and offered to take in refugees.

Despite his Russian origins, Bankov is clearly opposed to Putin's war, as can be seen on his Instagram account.

Taking in refugees was also important to him because his own ancestors had to flee from the Nazis in World War II.

Peter Bankov, Russian-Jewish artist

»The story of these refugees is the same as that of my Jewish-German family.

Now I have to help because this story is deeply embedded in my memory.«

Yulia Sarycheva, who is also an artist, had to leave her husband in Ukraine.

He was not allowed to leave the country because of the war.

Escape was also a challenge for her eldest son Serhiy.

Serhiy Sarychev, Yulia Sarycheva's son

»In the beginning it was quite difficult and I couldn't believe I was in Prague, especially since I landed here just two days after it all started.

So yes, that was difficult.

But now I've made friends and I like everything very much.«

Yulia Sarycheva, Ukrainian refugee

»I can't imagine how this story will end.

I take everything as a gift from God because this is something we never planned."

Whether or when they will return to their homeland is uncertain.

For the time being, they can stay in the unusual flat share – as Ukrainians with Russians critical of Putin in Prague.