The Limited Times

How To Make Butter Last Longer: Can You Freeze It?

4/6/2022, 3:27:43 PM

How To Make Butter Last Longer: Can You Freeze It? Created: 04/06/2022, 17:18 By: Maria Dirschauer Buying butter in advance can be handy, for example when it's on sale. Read here whether you can freeze butter and if so, what you should consider. Inflation, the corona pandemic, bad harvests in agriculture, the Ukraine war: there are various reasons why food prices continue to rise. A good tip f

How To Make Butter Last Longer: Can You Freeze It?

Created: 04/06/2022, 17:18

By: Maria Dirschauer

Buying butter in advance can be handy, for example when it's on sale.

Read here whether you can freeze butter and if so, what you should consider.

Inflation, the corona pandemic, bad harvests in agriculture, the Ukraine war: there are various reasons why food prices continue to rise.

A good tip for saving money when shopping is to stock up on products and store them properly* at home to ensure they last as long as possible.

What we don't mean by that: Unnecessarily hoarding and buying tons of groceries such as flour, butter and oil, so that other consumers find empty shelves in the supermarket.

Experts still see no reason to buy hamsters.


On the other hand, a checklist for an emergency supply for ten days, as recommended by the federal government, can be useful in order to be prepared for emergencies.

Important: You should consume and replace food regularly. 

Storing food in advance: This is how long butter can be kept

The butter is on sale right now and you've snapped it up?

Great - the only question is how best to store them now.

The good news: butter has a long shelf life due to its high fat content – ​​at least 80 percent according to the EU regulation: up to

six months when unopened

and stored in the refrigerator.

Opened butter can be used for another four months


However, this does not apply to butter with additives or added herbs, which accelerate spoilage.

According to

, depending on the storage conditions, butter keeps as follows:

storage conditions


room temperature

some days


several weeks to 6 months

Freezer compartment or freezer

3-9 months

If the room temperature is above 21°C, you should definitely store the butter in the fridge.

At higher temperatures, butter becomes rancid, smells bad and can no longer be used.

Butter keeps for a long time in a butter dish.

© Martina Kovacova/Imago

Freezing butter: How to do it right

Perfect for storing: You can freeze butter without any problems.

Please note the following tips:

  • It is best to portion the butter before freezing, for example in small freezer containers or freezer bags.

  • Pack the butter as airtight as possible.

  • Label the cans or bags with the freezing date.

  • The butter will keep in the freezer for about 3 months.

    It even lasts up to 9 months in the freezer.

If you then want to use the butter - for example for baking cakes or because you need a new piece in the butter dish - simply take it out of the freezer and gently defrost it in the refrigerator.

After that, you should use them up as soon as possible.

Incidentally, homemade wild garlic butter can also be frozen perfectly.

That way, you can still have some of that springtime goodness later in the year.


* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.