The Limited Times

Why checking into this hotel could heal a broken heart?

4/6/2022, 10:44:44 PM

Located in the United Kingdom, in this hotel you can spend a long weekend of "transformation therapy" and panoramic views, with the purpose of healing your broken heart

Love can break your heart and also a curious syndrome 1:54

(CNN) —

Everyone has their way of dealing with disappointment.

Some turn to their friends for support, some turn to streaming TV services, and some turn to ice cream.

But what if you could sign up for an alcohol-free, tech-free retreat for a long weekend of "transformational therapy" and scenic views, all for the purpose of healing your broken heart?

The Heartbreak Hotel, run by psychologist Alice Haddon and author and life coach Ruth Field, offers just that.

Launched in late 2021, the residential retreats, designed specifically for women, take place at Barsham Barns, a private home located on the coast of Norfolk County in the UK.

The Heartbreak Hotel was the brainchild of Haddon, who had taken a break from the practice after his mother's death and set about rethinking the way therapy is traditionally conducted.


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"Heartbreak connects us"

The Heartbreak Hotel is run by psychologist Alice Haddon (left) and author and life coach Ruth Field.

Haddon says she was listening to a radio show about romance fraud and realized there were few services available for women struggling to overcome different kinds of heartbreak.

She began exploring the possibility of a "radical" new concept in transformational therapy that might provide exactly what she felt women dealing with various forms of heartbreak really needed in a group setting.

"We believe that heartbreak connects us to the essence of being human, and that our vulnerability is also where compassionate change and bold creativity is born," Haddon says in a statement.

Haddon then set about putting together an all-female team, and Field, one of her oldest friends, soon joined.

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“We think of retirement as an intensive care unit for the heart: hot water bottles, blankets, hot drinks, roaring fire, no one lifts a finger, everyone is taken care of so completely that they give themselves over to therapy,” he tells her. Field to CNN Travel.

A maximum of eight women can participate in the retreats, which take place from Friday to Monday.

“This space is created, which is very safe, where these women are taken on this journey,” adds Field.

"It's really a realignment and self-discovery away from heartbreak and into a new way of being."

"Then they free themselves, not just from their heartbreak, but from all kinds of structures that women get lost in most of the time, like serving others and all the other roles that we [women] have to deal with."

"Trauma can get stuck in the body and we have an EMDR specialist who comes in and works to release that trauma for our guests."

EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, is a technique for unblocking and deactivating painful memories.
