The Limited Times

Baby appeals to thieves, please give me back daddy necklace

4/7/2022, 7:02:45 PM

'I saved for two years to be able to buy it' says the girl in her letter (ANSA)  Who knows if they will also be gentlemen, or just thieves, the apartment rats that Tuesday stole from a family's home in Casatenovo, in the Lecco area.     An 8-year-old girl appealed to them and, with a letter, asked that the chain given to her father "which has a very emotional value" be returned to her.     The little girl, who attends the third grade, with all the candor of her age has addres

 Who knows if they will also be gentlemen, or just thieves, the apartment rats that Tuesday stole from a family's home in Casatenovo, in the Lecco area.

    An 8-year-old girl appealed to them and, with a letter, asked that the chain given to her father "which has a very emotional value" be returned to her.

    The little girl, who attends the third grade, with all the candor of her age has addressed an appeal to the thieves, to get back - as we read on Casateonline - the stolen necklace.

"I gave it to my dad, saving it for two long years to be able to buy it. Please don't ask you anything else, do this for me" writes the little girl, always addressing in a kind way to those who stole her dad's necklace, also represented in a drawing shown at the bottom of the squared sheet to which he entrusted his appeal.