The Limited Times

One of the spenders in a pub in Tel Aviv called MDA: "There are terrorists here, I'm under the table" | Israel today

4/7/2022, 11:50:51 PM

Magen David Adom released three recordings of the dramatic conversations • The caller tried to calm down: "Take a deep breath, I'm with you"

This is how the nightmare moments sounded during the entertainment:

The documentation of the calls to the MDA hotline last night (Thursday) after the attack in Tel Aviv was published, revealing the drama and helplessness of the citizens who just wanted to enjoy the beginning of the weekend. 

"Everything is full of blood: I'm hiding under the table": Creepy - report by those who spend time in the MDA area of ​​the attack // Courtesy of MDA spokeswoman

During one of the conversations, one of the passers-by was heard talking to an MDA hotline while hiding under one of the tables in the Ilka pub where the attack took place.


There are terrorists here.

In Tel Aviv, in Dizengoff


Take care of your safety.

that's what important.

which number?


Dizengoff 117


Do you see the terrorist?


I do not see him.

I'm under the table


Take a deep breath, I'm with you


I saw full of people running away from the street, and entering the bar.

People shouted and everyone ran away


Keep a lid on the forces on the way

Another man in the area called MDA.


There are shots in Dizengoff corner of Gordon.

Lots of shots, and all the civilians fled.

The street was empty.

I do not know about such wounded.

It's quiet right now, everyone's hiding


Do not approach, grab a lid and let the cops do the work

The scene of the attack in Tel Aviv,

Border fighter against the background of an ambulance at the scene of the attack in Tel Aviv,

Soldiers near the scene of the attack in Tel Aviv, Photo: E.


Another woman called and spoke in tears.


I owe an ambulance urgently, I have full wounded.

I did not see anything.

There are wounded.


Can you see how many?


See nothing.

Everything is full of blood

Two men in their 30s were killed in the attack, and another 15 people were injured.

The terrorist escaped and the hunt for him continued.

Were we wrong?


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