The Limited Times

The INE sanctions a dozen senior officials close to López Obrador for promoting the recall

4/7/2022, 10:21:13 PM

The electoral body asks to stop the attitude "unprecedented in the political life of the country" of the Government before the consultation

The tense relationship between the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the

4T apparatus

lived its last chapter after the reproaches sent by the electoral body against a large part of the Executive.

The mobilization of 11 personalities from the Government in support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in view of the consultation to revoke his mandate next Sunday, has not gone unnoticed by the INE Complaints and Denunciations Commission, which called the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, the Undersecretary of Federal Security, Ricardo Mejía, and the Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle, among other officials, to conduct themselves legally and avoid new illegal acts of proselytism.

Unanimously, the councilors Claudia Zavala, Ciro Murayama and Adriana Favela approved a series of precautionary measures in the Complaints Commission due to rallies last weekend in Veracruz, Coahuila and Sonora.

Councilor Ciro Murayama even recalled with a photograph that high officials used a National Guard plane to transfer Morena leaders.

According to Murayama, some red lines were crossed over the weekend with the "unprecedented participation of a military officer in a political act," he said.

“It was an unfortunate weekend for democracy due to the reiteration of faults (…) We are facing a situation that I do not remember having a precedent in the democratic life of the country, which is the participation in political events of the heads of the Armed Forces. Armed, even in service uniform.”

For the INE counselor, it was "a kind of electoral campaign" that included the rally of the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, on Wednesday at the Monument to the Revolution.

In almost all the political events held in recent days, the INE was harshly criticized from each of the tribunes.

Speakers ranging from Adán Augusto López to Morena leader Mario Delgado portrayed the April 10 recall as a fight between the electoral body and the Mexican president.

“We tell some INE directors that they have no moral authority.

Deep down they hate the participation of the people, the idea of ​​a free, participatory people.

They do not tolerate popular consultation,” Sheinbaum said on Wednesday during a ceremony attended by the Secretary of Labor, Luisa María Alcalde, spokesperson Jesús Ramírez, and the Secretary of the Government of the capital, Martí Batres.

On Saturday, the Secretary of the Interior attended two party events to which he arrived on a National Guard plane.

Long live Participatory Democracy!

Long live Sovereignty!

Long live Mexico City and its wonderful people!

Long live our free, democratic, sovereign country!

Long live Mexico!

– Claudia Sheinbaum (@Claudiashein) April 7, 2022

Counselor Claudia Zavala pointed out at the Commission meeting: “I find the conduct of public servants regrettable because I think there is a lot of clarity regarding the duties of public servants, and unfortunately we see acts like the ones we are reviewing. ”.

In the same direction, counselor Adriana Favela, president of the Complaints Commission, said that the mandate revocation consultation "would have to be a purely citizen procedure, where no public servant, no government entity, and now not even the political parties politicians could be intervening.”

Among other sanctions, the INE Complaints Commission gave three hours to a group of officials to delete the publications related to the revocation of the mandate from their social networks.

Among those sanctioned in the networks are the Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle García and the Governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García.

Next Sunday, a consultation will be held throughout the country for the revocation of López Obrador's mandate, promised during his campaign.

The question that citizens will have on the ballot will be the following: Do you agree that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United Mexican States, have his mandate revoked due to loss of trust or continue in the Presidency of the Republic? until your period ends?

The surveys carried out by this newspaper show that between 15% and 20% of the electoral register will go to the polls, in whose organization the INE will participate.

The opposition will leave Morena alone in the consultation boxes.

Each party can register up to two representatives in each of the 57,517 polling places that will be installed, but Morena is the only one that registered them in all of them.

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